Australia: In the friable sea crocodile trap after 8 years of research – PHOTO


In the trap was captured a 600-kilogram sea eagle, nearly five meters long, after eight years of research, in the Northern Territories of Australia.

It is one of the largest reptiles captured until today in the Catherine River, According to the Ministry of Tourism

Authorities have tried in vain for so many years. Years to catch the crocodile estimated at 60.

The reptile was transferred to a crocodile farm to keep it away from the local population, said Treisy Dating it Management Service Wildlife

Marine crocodiles often meet in northern tropical Australia and kill two people a year on average

Their population has soared since they were declared protected species in the 1970s with the death of an elderly woman last year to recall the need to reduce their population

a crocodile caught up to here in Australia had a length of 6.4 meters, according to the records. He was captured and exterminated in the Northern Territories in 1974.

In 2017, 371 crocodiles were captured by wildlife survivors in cities in the Northern Territories such as Darwin, Palmerston and Carthin, and this year already 190.

Source: RES, 9News.


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