Austria is concerned about the effects of the agreement Merkel – Zeehofer – World


PUBLICATION : Before 57 & | LAST UPDATED : Before 2 & # 39; |

Critical Critique of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and German Interior Minister Horst Zeheffer that they "settle their dispute over the issue of asylum at the expense of Austria" , the Austrian Social Democrat and current Austrian opposition leader Catherine, co-responsible, as he has said, of today's Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz

as the noted former Chancellor Christian Matterhorn, "Kurtz was unilaterally involved in an intra-German conflict between the Christian Democratic Union (Merkel's party) and the Christian Social Union (the party). de Zeheföfer), and the German government has now sent the bill to Kurtz for his attitude. "

There was also criticism of the other two parties with the neo-liberal leader NEW (New Austria) Matthias Stratz to accuse Sebastian Kurtz to fall into a war and that it's natural to know Drunk with such measures when interfering with intra-German conflicts

s, the parliamentary representative of the center-left "List Pilts" Bruno Rosman announces tomorrow Wednesday urgent issue in the Austrian Parliament on the theme "The protection of our southern borders "Warned against" the end of Europe. "

Concern in the Länder

Local governors of the Austrian Länder reacted with anxiety in the evening's compromise between Merkel and Zeheffer
The governor of Upper Austria, Thomas Stelzer, of the conservative People's Party of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, said today that "Upper Austria does not want to inherit the asylum problem".

For his part, the governor of Salzburg, Wilfried Haslauer, also of the People's Party, stressed that Salzburg is not allowed to become a "waiting area" for immigrants, while the governor of the Communist State, also a member of the Tyrolean People's Party Günter Plater said that the effects on the Tyrol should first be expected

According to Gunther Plater, the situation in the Brenner pbad is under control and the number of cases under the Dublin Regulation is "

But also Manfred Haimbuhner, deputy leader of the Popular Party, a far-right nationalist liberal party, a forerunner of anti-refugee and anti-immigrant politics, criticized as "pre-election splashing" and as "short-sighted and populist measures" the plans of the Christian Baptist-Social Baptist Association of Horst Zeheffer

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