Austria is ready to take steps to protect its borders


The Austrian government announced that it was "ready to take steps to protect" the country's borders following the immigration restrictions in Germany announced in Berlin.

If the agreement on the resolution of the intergovernmental crisis in Berlin is approved by the German government, "we will be obliged to take measures to avoid the consequences for Austria and its people" he explains
In fact, he states "prepared to take measures to protect our southern borders in particular" with Italy and Slovenia
proposals made by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to her Minister of the Interior, Horst Zehefer, it is envisaged the return to Austria of asylum seekers arriving in Germany who are not back in their first country of 39, entry into the EU.
Austria has declared itself ready to take appropriate measures and to arrest asylum seekers at its southern borders, with the danger of creating a domino domicile in Europe
"We let's wait now for a quick clarification of the German position at the federal level ", added the announcement signed by the Conservative Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz [19 Hebert-Kristin Strache and the Minister of the Interior Herbert Kick two politicians belonging to the far-right FPO
"German thoughts prove once again the importance there is a common European protection of external borders ", concludes the Austrian Government.

Zeheffer spoke in the morning by telephone with Kurtz of the agreement that he had concluded with Merkel. " I have l & # 39; Impression that she is interested in the solutions s reasonable ", said the German Minister of the Interior. According to Bild, Zeehofer should travel very quickly to Vienna for interviews

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