Baia Antonopoulou speaks for the first time with Papadakis


After 8 years of cooperation with ANT1, he left.

His fight with George Papadakis, the rumors that he would go to Grégory Arnaoutoglou and the end of his contract were enough to ask everyone what had happened to this girl.

Bagia Antonopoulou, in a recent interview with Down Town magazine, speaks for the first time with George Papadakis.

You say you are arguing with George Papadakis. In fact, how he spoke to you very badly and decided to leave the breakfast. So what is your version?

"There was really an intensity that drove me to make that decision – it was something I had not thought of until then, sometimes the events are unpredictable and require you to change your mind. However, I think that the problem has been sufficiently solved and that I do not think that it is worth discussing In the work, there are tensions, sometimes they cross the borders and break, So in every TV show, there are episodes, limits, but we put them in what we can accept and not accept, and I have judged on my own terms that I could not go on as things had come

Are you mad at him? Are you bitter? What feelings do you have for him?

"I have no bitterness and no anger towards George Papadakis A professional relationship has ended with that.Some things where you start and where you stop are a matter of education.I understand that some of 'between me expect to expose a person with whom I have been working for several years, but I absolutely can not do it.A new circle opens for me and I look in front of'

Have you spoken to him?

"We talked and asked if I would come back to the show, I told him that my decision is not to come back and finish here, we have not discussed anything else."

Where would you ideally get used to the chain after the break with George Papadakis?

"Overall, as a result of my career, I would like to work on a live show that suits me and I can support something different from what I've been doing for so many years." not done with this channel.

You mean on another channel?

"I can not tell you now either"

That is, it hit the phone?

"Yes, I'm on the phone and I'm talking about it, I want it and I want everything to go well because I miss my contact with the world"

We heard that you left crying Papadakis' show, that you went to the show of Arnautoglou, that you spoke with Open TV, many scenarios, without you having spoken. How about all this?

"They've been heard too much, most of them are sci-fi scripts and do not apply." The way I left does not matter to me anymore, I keep saying I'm gone and that I now give my next shot.For my part, I have no reason to deny or confirm each article published "

What was your feeling when you picked up your things at the office?

"When I got my things back, I realized that this collaboration was over and that's why I did not feel sorry, I can tell you that I did it with joy because I was not happy. finally realized that it was time to start something different in my life. they always do for good "

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