Baptized director Dimitris Arvanitis' house in Mati


His son wrote in social media

Dimitris Arvanitis is among the victims of deadly fires, as the family home was burned down

The unfortunate fact was revealed by the son of the director, Giorgos Arvanitis, who , with a post on Instagram, reported, among other things, that he was lucky to have his sister and nephew saved. In particular, he published the message that his father sent him to tell him that he was burning their house.

"What report should I write?" What does my house mean to me? I am fortunate to feel that my sister and niece have done it at the last minute. and that they were saved and were not found on the beach with others, I do not know what I would do, how stupid I am of all the neighbors and all the people dead and images I've seen.The places we were playing now are batteries.All my friends stay there now that they will stay, help if you are there.I bring a second picture of the one who is in need.The one who is in the area to help as I can please!

Friends from abroad are still listening to the forest fires in Greece My house is burned almost lost my family, we need your help! GREECE IS IN EMERGENCY! We need EUROPE to help us right now! ############ ## ########
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