Battle for its survival policy is given by Mei after the resignation of three ministers


British Prime Minister Teresa Mei fights for political survival following the resignation of three ministers directly involved in Brexit, the latter with Foreign Minister Boris Johnson

. his country is likely to become an EU colony, but it is unclear whether he will conduct a signature-gathering campaign to provoke a vote of confidence for Mei.

Speaking to Conservative MPs for an hour on Monday night warned that divided parties are losing elections. "If we do not regroup, then we risk the election of Jeremy Corbin as prime minister," said one of the deputies who attended the meeting.

The loss of Boris Johnson and Brexit, David Davies and his deputy minister, Steve Baker two days after his meeting in the Prime Minister's House in Cheke, is a new blow for Meen and highlights deep divisions in the Conservative Party for them

Mei badured that the transition period for Brexit will not be prolonged and that the European Court of Justice will have not competent in the United Kingdom after the finalization of the "divorce". He also insisted that his own Brexit proposal is the right one.

The Prime Minister stressed that the European Union should constructively deal with its new proposal, otherwise the risk of leaving the UK without reaching an agreement

Speaking a few hours after the resignation of the two main Ministers of his government, on the occasion of his Brexit project, Mei said that the models proposed by Brussels for their future relations with London were "unacceptable". "What we are proposing is a challenge for the EU, it requires them to look at it, to go beyond the positions that they have taken up to date. now and to agree on a new equitable balance between rights and obligations, "he said. He commented, however, that other European leaders have demonstrated that with the new London proposals, negotiations on Brexit can continue

If the EU continues its current course, there is a risk serious "naughty" Brexit, without agreement, he warned. A responsible government must be prepared for all possible purposes, including a divorce without agreement, Mia continued, saying the Cabinet agreed that the preparations for such an eventuality should be expedited.

Mei finally hailed the praise of the two resigning ministers, Boris Johnson and David Davies, stating that they "did not agree" on how they would drive the country to leave the country. # 39; EU.

"There will be no referendum on the final

At the same time, he badured that the government would not call for a referendum to endorse the agreement on the withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union, nor would it seek to delay Brexit

.It does not intend to extend the article 50 (the Treaty of Lisbon), by which London notified Brussels of its intention to withdraw, and also argued that the British demand that the government complete the Brexit and not vote again on this agreement.

A little Earlier, the political editor of the BBC said that perhaps several "signatures" of the conservatives – ask for a vote of confidence from parliament over Mei. "Whispering that Torris members have reached the magic number of 48 necessary letters to have a vote of confidence, "writes Lora Kensberg on Twitter, explaining that it's n & # 3 There is no way to confirm if this information is true

The House of Commons and according to the rules of their party requires that 15% of them (ie 48) send letters to the president of the so-called "1922 Commission" to challenge Mei's rulers

Boris Joe's Resignation Letter

Boris Johnson describes Boris Johnson in his resignation letter to Teresa Mei, the British dream, who voted in Brexit favor, that they will return to the hands of the British dying republic highlighting the danger of becoming a colony of the European Union

It is characteristic that more than two years have pbaded since the British voted to leave the European Union in a clear and unequivocal commitment that if they did, they would take back control of their democracy. They told them that they could do it with their own immigration policy, repatriate funds spent by the EU and above all be able to pbad laws independently and in the interest of the population of this country

"Brexit it should be opportunity and hope.An opportunity to do things differently, to maximize the benefits of Britain as an open global economy This dream dies, strangled by a futile self-doubt.We have postponed critical decisions, including the preparations for a non-agreement, as I said in my book. my letter last November, which seems to be preparing for a "half Brexit", with large swathes of the economy still trapped in the EU system, where the country has no control

"We are really going to a colonial regime. And many will have trouble seeing the economic or political benefits of this particular arrangement, "said Boris Johnson.

READ: Letter of resignation from Boris

– Ross Kempsell (@rosskempsell) 9 July 2018

In a similar movement, the competent minister for Brexit David Davies, was one of the most ardent supporters of Brexit within the cabinet. With Davis, the Brexit Ministry resigned from Steve Baker.

Davies would have been pushed to this initiative because of his objections to Prime Minister Mei's proposal for a future commercial and customs relationship with

Nevertheless, Mei "warmly thanked his minister for his contribution to the formation of" some of the most important laws for the generations "that were written and transmitted to the British parliament to vote.

The resignations go away exposed in May, with their government shaken .The big question now is to know if it will try to overcome this crisis in accordance with its commitment to pursue a "business-friendly" Brexit, or whether it will face more government departures and voices that call for resignation, and

Many eurosceptics are angry at Meen's strategy for the EU and his proposal to create a "free trade zone" because they think this tactic it betrays the promise she gave herself a "clean" divorce from Brussels

Tusk: We are far from solving the chaos created by the Brexit

The withdrawal of Great Britain of the European Union is a question that is far from resolved and the situation has not changed with the resignation of the Brexit State Secretary, David Davis, said today. President of the European Council Donald Tusk

"Chaos caused by Brexit is the biggest problem in the history of relations between the European Union and Britain and we are far from resolving , with or without Mr Davis, "said Tusk at a press conference in Brussels

" Unfortunately, the idea of ​​Brexit does not "share" with David Davis ". (19659003)

The pound fell dramatically after Johnson's resignation, causing turmoil in the government of Prime Minister Teresa Mei

The British currency has fallen back to 1.3257 dollar today, around 18 hours. The exchange rate of the euro against the pound was 0.8867 pence, against 0.8443 on Friday

Earlier, the pound sterling was boosted as the markets did not seem to worry about the resignation of the Brexit State Secretary, David Davies.

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