"Before entering prison, I had my baccalaureate"



"I did it for my children, I did not want to grow up in a foundation," said the 53-year-old housekeeper jailed for falsifying a certificate of completion of primary studies in order to find a employment in the municipal guard service.

"I did not want my children to live what I was going through," she said while speaking to SKAI, adding that it was shocking and painful.

"I grew up in Hadjikyriakio in Piraeus since the age of 6. I left 11 years old, I went to Volos at our grandparents' house, I started to work a I was married but we had problems with my husband because we did not have a job.I was receiving social badistance at home and I was scared. not to bring my children, "he said.

She added that her wisdom told her to do her papers in public to prevent her children from entering the orphanage.

Finally, he pointed out that before going to prison, he had taken care of his certificate of completion of primary studies and had called for a position for her now in the public sector.

Read also: Satisfied says the lawyer and the daughter of a 53-year-old cleaner

Last updated: Wednesday, 28 November 2018, 13:46

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