Beijing: A man fires an explosive device outside the US embassy – only hurt himself (video) | World


A young man caused an explosion today in front of the US Embbady in Beijing, which injured him, said police and confirmed eyewitnesses

13:00 (local time, 08:00 Greek time) A man fired an explosive device "that looked like a fireworks", said the Public Security Bureau of the capital of China

all at the moment. Big explosion a few minutes ago at the US or Indian Embbady here in Beijing.
– Xah Lee (@xah_lee) July 26, 2018

The man was hand-wounded and transferred to hospital without his life being endangered, said the police, claiming that no one else had been hurt. "We heard a fairly strong explosion around 1:00 pm We went out on the road, but the police quickly ruled out the area," said a worker in the area where the blast occurred.

"We could see an object covered with a blanket, "adding that it was an object.

#explosion on the outside ] #usembbady in Beijing Social Media Video A video posted on the Internet shows that smoke is coming out of the US Embbady building at the time that the security forces rush to the point.

The US Embbady confirmed in a statement that outside the building there was an explosion. "A person fired a bomb" , said a police spokesman, citing the security official of the diplomatic mission

– freet ransformer (@ Tao_Han1022) ] July 26, 2018

According to Beijing police, the man who shot the mechanism is a 26-year-old man from Inner Mongolia, while his motives are still unknown [19659002] Witnesses said that a police vehicle appeared to have been damaged by the salvo function

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