Bloody Moon: The Terrible Story of Eclipses


Tonight, a "bloody" moon will shine in the sky and the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century will occur. This magical celestial phenomenon will be visible only from certain regions of Africa, Europe and North and South America, and if the sky is clear

But it is true that we can all enjoy the charm of the moon every night full, or delicate crescent, in the clear sky or playing with the clouds. He is a loyal friend who follows a regular schedule and helps us observe the pbadage of time and shine the night sky, relieving us of the darkest hours. It's not surprising that once the moon blushes and bleeds and disappears, it terrifies people, as Quartz writes.

Today, we know that this strange phenomenon is simply because the moon pbades through the shadow of our planet, does not reflect the sunlight. We observe it delighted, but we are not afraid to be ominous, except perhaps those who believe in a biblical prophecy of the bloody moon, who foretells our end in the scenes of the night. Apocalypse …

gave it a special meaning according to "History of Eclipses" (pdf) of George Chambers, which was published in 1899. In the chapter "The Rises of the Moon in History" , Chaps describes terrible stories of bloody moons

O arrived Jan. 29, 1136 BC. or "35th year of Wen-Wang, the day of Ping-tzu", according to Chow-Su, the book of the Tsow dynasty (1046-256 BC) found in 280 AD. in the tomb of an emperor who died centuries ago.

<img clbad = "wp-image-44341664087 size-full" src = "" alt = "SYDNEY , NEW SOUTH WALES – JULY 27: The full moon rises near Bondi Beach before a total lunar eclipse, July 27, 2018 in Sydney, Australia.The totality period during this eclipse will last 1 hour, 42 minutes and 57 minutes. second, making it the longest visible lunar eclipse of this century.The July 27th eclipse near Brody Mitchell / Getty Images

It is thought that the total lunar eclipse was produced in 1059 BC, at the end of the Shang Dynasty.The disappearance of the moon was considered a significant omen by King Wuen of the Chow Dynasty (killed so far), who believed that it was time to defying the sovereignty of Shang

The gods report much [19659002] August 27, 413 BC or the fourth year of the 91st Olympiad, salt On the ancient Greek calendar, a total eclipse of the moon led to the destruction of the Athenian army by besieging Syracuse in Sicily. An illness erupted between the soldiers and their governor, Niki, decided that the Athenians had to leave the island. In the work of "Nikia", Plutarch, he says:

"[23.1] While they were all ready and that no enemies spied on them, because they did not expect such action on the part of the Athenians, the lunar eclipse became a night for Nikia and for those of others who feared such phenomena. ignorance or superstition – [23.2] As for the sun shining at the thirtieth of the month, most agreed that it was due to the moon, but to the moon itself. even, what body is in front of her and how she suddenly loses her light and emits a variety of nuances, was not easy to understand, they considered this as a strange phenomenon and a sign of God as an excuse to certain misconduct and important things . "

As expected, the disaster happened," moon! "Syracusans accept

The Prophets Doctor and the Eclipse of the Witch

The 19th century scholar, Archbishop Edward Carthon, describes one of the first attempts to gain the power of the wisdom of the Athenians before he can escape. with false news. But the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Bradworth, also known as Dr. Provuds, manages to frustrate a wizard's tricks, thanks to the knowledge of astronomy. As the story goes, a "beautiful summer night " of 1349, when the moon was suddenly lost, a witch tried to convince her that she was responsible for her dramatic disappearance: "Correct old mistakes in a different way I'll order the Sun to remove its light from you too," says the witch.

<img clbad = "wp-image-44341664082 size-full" src = "" alt = "shutterstock_1015278298" width = "1000" height = "668" srcset = " uploads / 2018/07 / shutterstock_1015278298.jpg 1000w, /uploads/2018/07/shutterstock_1015278298-449×300.jpg 449w, 2018/07 / shutterstock_1015278298-600×401.jpg 600w, /wp-content/uploads/2018/07/shutterstock_1015278298-150×100.jpg 150 "Bloody" moon over Thailand (1969009) But it failed to deceive Brandyard, a mathematician and philosopher who had studied them Arab Astronomers , he used to predict the extinction of the moon and the sun.As Certon writes, " tell me ," says Bradworth in the witch, " when you do it and we will believe you. If you do not tell me, I will tell you when the sun or the moon will darken, how darkness will begin in the darkness, how much it will extend and how long it will last ".

A scam that changed the world

In 1504, with a trick (pdf), Christopher Columbus managed to change course of the world, as Duncan Styl explains in his book "Eclipse: the celestial phenomenon that changed the course of history." (Eclipse: The celestial phenomenon that changes the history of history). Without this, the colonization of America, with all the facts we know, even the killing of the natives by the explorers, may not have happened.

In June 1503, on his fourth trip to America, Columbus encountered several problems. Two of his four ships were dismantled by wormwood worms and forced to tie the other two on a Caribbean island inhabited by native Arawak. For a long time, everything flowed gently. Araukwak provided food for the strangers but after six months they could no longer hide their displeasure

The same was true for the Columbus men who revolted, killed several of their guests and stole their food. Hostilities forced Columbus to act. He realized that he had information ignored by Araguaw. Johannes Miller von Kensigesberg, a 15th century mathematician and astronomer, had published an essential almanac to seafarers, with astronomical tables for the phenomena that would occur in the period 1475-1506

Sheets Trees (1965), Columbus, who was familiar with its contents, three days before the lunar eclipse on the night of February 29, organized a meeting on the Moon, above Athens . (INTIMEnews / LIAKOS GIANNIS) with the leader of Araguak. He told her that the god of the Christians was angry with the locals because they no longer betrayed the kashas and no longer fished their guests. And he claimed that in three days he would prove his anger by wiping the moon from the sky and painting red.

Nobody knows what the Aboriginal leader was thinking of the threat. But when the stranger had said, Arawak was convinced that Columbus had very strong "connections" there. And as Ferdinand, son of Christopher Columbus, " with lamentations and rumors, ran from all corners of the island on the ships of the refueling explorers, begging the admiral to publicize his god "

Columbus pretended to seriously consider their request. Then he retreated somewhere by himself and waited until the eclipse phases were completed according to the almanac. Shortly before the moon reappeared, Columbus said that he negotiated peace with his god and persuaded him that Araukwak would continue to feed the aliens.

The agreement loved the natives. And they kept the Spaniards alive until July when arriving from Spain, one of the Caribbean islands. In November, the explorers returned to Spain and soon returned to conquer America.

If that had happened, even if Columbus and his men had died on this island, an insensitive mystery would always be left behind. But, it is clear that without the turn of the eclipse, Columbus would not have impressed Araguaque so much, not even the Europeans

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