And the truth is that Pedro Martins should feel deeply troubled by the image of his players and the loss by the Belgians 4-0.
Genk is clearly in a much more advanced preparation phase. Thursday (26/7) plays the first official for the 2nd qualification of the Europa League and Sunday (29/7) starts his duties in the championship.
But this can not be an element of comfort for Piraeus, which has shown weaknesses, especially in the inhibitory function. The days go by, Martins is still waiting for two players who are considered a turntable of the game and the third qualifier Europa League (9 & 16/8), in addition to easy theoretical opponents, also hides traps …
"Luminus Arena "started with Christodoulopoulos entering an area and the referee signaling the white ball. Trotzard played down on the right corner of Hutsiotis, who fell to the right and saw the ball stop at the right beam root
The game was balanced, with good times on both sides and Genk had a more comfortable leg with the ball. . After completing half an hour of play, Cissé and Vukovic worked with anxiously loose, and Troyes achieved one of the most lucrative goals of his career, albeit in a friendly corner.
Four minutes later, Malinovski disturbed the area with A left and executed Houtesiotis, sending the ball to his left corner for the Belgian's 2-0. Zerbrowa in the 42 ', but scored the crossbar with the head
Elabdelaoui and Tsikika faced a lot of problems in "one against one", Buchalakis and Fettazidis could not follow the lead Intensity of the game of their opponents and the imbalance that appeared in the center line quickly became … a superb Olympic defense.
Kamaras, Fortunes and Christodoulopoulos seemed disoriented, unfortunately Guerrero did not find places and collaborations to threaten
At the beginning of the rehearsal, Androutsos and Podehenes took place in the grbad, with Kamaras and Fetafatzidis living in locker rooms.
The Olympiacos had an aggressive glimpse at 48 "from Tsiamkas to Pondenza and the Portuguese shot at Guerrero, the Spaniard was forgotten by golfer Gandhi, losing the opportunity to reduce
Piraeus was said they continued to pose a very bad face with inhibitions, with childhood mistakes succeeding each other.
One of them was Cishe in '65, when without knowing the word, he kept Samama in the middle (19659002) The second shootout, Troyes won this time , despite the fact that Hutsiotis fell back and found the ball
In 76 "Zergrova without pressure was executed with the left in the zone, scoring the fourth goals of the encounter and Genk in the 39th. Arena Luminus
Heavy score for Piraeus, representing the group's image in the friendly 90 minutes and this is what will concern Pedro Martins in the coming days. L & # 39; Olympiacos picks up his suitcases and leaves Belgium for the Netherlands, where he will face Eindhoven at Uden (24/7, 20:00) and Getepepe at Arnhem (26/7, 19:00) before returning to : Arena of Luminus : Lawrence Visser
Genealogy (Philip Clemen) : Arena of Luminus [
OLYMPIAKOS (Pedros Martins) : Houtsaios, Elambdelaoui, Voukovits, Cishe, Tsimikas , Buchalakis, Kamaras (46 'Androutsos), Fortunis (80 Koutris), Christodoulopoulos (80' Hatzisafi), Fetatzidis (46 'Podezenes), Guerrero (80' Ansarifard)
Purpose : 30 & 66 & & 39; pen. Trophy, 34 Malinovsky, 76 & # 39; Zergova /
Cards : – / 29 & # 39; Christodoulopoulos
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