The President of the Brazilian Court of Appeal blocked Sunday the efforts of another judge to release the country's former president Luis Inasio Lula da Silva in a controversy over the most popular politician of Brazil in the run-up to the elections of October [19659002LejugedelaCourd'callRhorerioFavretoadecidtôtdancheLuladewouldbeexhibitedbyacceptingtheParadistPartner'sPurator(PT)whichformerpresidenthadfoundedin1980
Lula supporters began to celebrate the decision for his immediate release three months after his imprisonment. Nearly a thousand people gathered in front of the federal police in Curitiba, in southern Brazil, where Lula was detained, demanding his release.
But a little later, the chief of the Court of Appeal, Carlos Eduardo Thompson Flores,
Within hours, this litigation was confusing in Brazil just three months before the presidential election, the most uncertain of the country's history, to which Lula wishes
Even though he was released, the former president (2003-2010), who is the first to vote, would prefer that his candidacy is annulled by the electoral court on the basis of legislation that does not allow a candidate to vote. Someone who has been sentenced to a second degree to be a candidate.
Based on the scenes involving Lula to the candidates, he seems to win more than twice the number of his closest rival. In the event of exclusion, one-third of the respondents replied that they would vote either invalid or blank
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