Brazilian authorities imprisoned a man because … "was the same color as the suspect"


The indignation of public opinion in Brazil has caused the nightmare of a black man who has been imprisoned for more than a week in Rio de Janeiro while he was there. confused him with a robbery suspect on the grounds that he was also bald and had "the same skin color."

"It does not change, it will never change, society is racist and will always be. justice is blind … "Antonio Carlos Rodrigues, who spoke to reporters after his release Friday night, told reporters

that Rio de Janeiro police today told the French Agency that they were launching a "19659002] At the age of 43, Antonio Carlos Rodríguez was arrested on July 13, accused of having been involved in an armed robbery at the Venezuelan Consulate [19659002] For identification, the police relied exclusively on photographs posted by the 43 years ago, social media, which they compared with a video of consular security cameras where the suspect was wearing sunglbades.

In a report published by the G1 website, the police officer in charge of the case referred to the similarities between the two men, as in "the skin color, the nose and the shape of the face" as well as the fact that they were both bald and had "big, pointed ears and throat."

"It's a monstrous mistake … Anyone can recognize the differences between the two," Rodriguez's brother told G1.

The 43-year-old family did its own research and managed to find other security camera videos showing that it appeared in the video of the consulate already in prison after being arrested for a few days later for another armed robbery.

The police admitted his fault, noting that Antonio Carlos Rodriguez was driven "mistakenly" to f [19659902] The case has provoked the indignation of many Brazilians and the campaign #Somos todos Antonio Carlos (we are all Antonio Carlos) is scanning social networking sites

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