Candidates for all retired fighters!


"Four went to tell me again, go out of the store" you made us sing Yiorgian Liane, who with the new game "My man can" who chews the prime time, with graduates of the Grande Ecole Aozoun playing games which reminds us of the pretext, you took Survivor in the wild night.

We viewers are trying to come to Harris. The man who lives these days with three single women. No accidental women. He stays with Virginia, Melina and Dalaka. Well, say Bie cbad and her plate, she is a psychopath, she does not care about prices and competitions. But the other two, the war machines that sleep next to him, in a bad move, the bad word how will they react? Our sympathy for Haris, the politician. On the other hand, in the fight of the fighters, the women left early, empty their corner and now the three men think with some agony the fight of immunity. Tonight, one player will leave and another will leave on Thursday. The last who will start before the finals will probably leave on Monday and the quadruple will remain, with Dalaka constantly present, who will be a semi-final and then triple to the final on Friday, July 13 in Galatsi.

  Survivor | Harris: I feel the weight of my team 02/07/2018

Immigration Critical

This meeting is one of the most critical of the game because one of the six players, the Dalaka is exempt although he has reached the five of the game, summary procedure if it loses and does not get positive votes from the TV audience that determines the evolution. Logically, all give everything to be saved and reach the final. Difficult because they have two other games of immunity. Now they will play all their changes. Finally, the groups and the loves, finally the romanticism and the mutual support. Most of them for themselves …

The group has to vote. It is there that they will try to catch such a balance so as not to leave the players of their entire team. This is especially true for fighters because if Charis gets immunity, three fighters are in danger because the girls will necessarily vote for a fighter either to win Melina or to beat Virginia

The positive is that all the fighters are in danger because world is playing now. There are no wounded, no one except the Dalakas who decide to retire because of a slight illness and of course not to tire unfairly by confrontations and with additional duels, his two compatriots.

 Survivor | Panos: I will fight if I am not completely ready 02/07/2018

Charis and Nicolas start very loudly, while Panos looks a bit distorted and Elias is not what you say to be the absolute favorite as he will lose his life very quickly. Harris is very good at the event. Virginia is surprised and plays Melina evenly. And he will beat her. Virginia will get the first individual immunity, the most critical so far. The next to be out of play, so Elias and Melina will be Nicolas. Duel – Panou. In fact, an awful Harris-Panou duel … Harris will win, so three shocking surrealist fighters will be candidates

 Survivor | Harris against Panos 02/07/2018

At the Subversive Council of the Island

Shortly before the last line, as Sakis Tanimandides will say, developments are under way. At Harris Council and Virginia, having immunity, they are calm.

Shortly before the start of the vote, the presenter announces the two most valuable players that are Katerina Dalaka and Haris who will enjoy moussaka with feta and bread

The crucial vote will evolve logically with the targeting of two players . One from each group. And there will be one who will have the most votes, that is to say a fighter of the four votes of Famous.

 Survivor | We know we will be candidates 02/07/2018

Nicolas Agorou is the player who voted the famous and Melina inevitably voted the Fighters. With four votes, the first candidate is Nicolas. The winner of immunity will have the witness. Virginia will propose Panos and Haris Elias. All fighters are candidates for retirement!

Elias will be sharpened and he will say that he believes that Nicolas and Panos are great players because not only does the fight not count as it is not the Olympics – Carfara for Dalaka but for Survival Struggle

Melina will speak up and not agree with Elias because she thinks Boy is a gamer who has made a lot of cohabitation mistakes. Elijah will defend him and fight with Melina. And imagine that Elijah and Melina were for months the strongest allies of Agoros and Theodoropoulos … Look, how's it going on the Dominican coasts, watching TV? Where the wind blows, some …

 Survivor | Fighter Strategy 02/07/2018

Tonight we will know who will leave the three fighters and Thursday we wait for the next retreat to reach the six. So wait.

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