Catastrophes of the Penelope Pass


Intense storm problems occur in many parts of the country. The weather is more pronounced in the west of Greece. Slopes have been observed in several streets of western Eritrea, while Ilia measures the damage to its infrastructure.

The biggest problem occurred in the municipal unit of Agrafon, where after the bridge of Paleokarya in Tridentro, serious landslides and rocky upheavals led to access to the villages of Tridentro, Epinia, Marathos, Vaggiana, Monastiraki and Trovatos located on the Karpenisi side.

According to information, the machines of the regional unit of Evritania and the municipality of Agrafa had been pressed earlier, but they were not able to give direct access. The road will remain closed.

Minor problems are also reported in the Aperadas and Aspropotamos AD and there have been frequent short circuits.

Destruction in Aitoloakarnania

Disasters have occurred in the area of ​​Magoules Aitolikos, in Chaliki, in the "Pountes" area and in other nearby localities, a few minutes after heavy rains.

Residents and farmers are desperate at the mbadive damage to their homes, warehouses and fields. In Magoules, the waters coming from the mountain brought stones, woods, branches and aggregates that ended up in fields and warehouses. The main road of the colony was blocked and the inhabitants tried to clean their own ways to restore, even in a subtle way, the access.

Whole hectares of trees were turned into a lake at the location of "Pounta". As peasants claim, the rains of Chrysovergi, Chaliki and its surroundings are concentrated in this cbad. But this diode can not absorb all this volume of water and ends up in the fields. From the area, pbad the train lines which, in many places, were left in the air after the ground was swept by the rapids.

    Flooded torrent in Kefalovrysos

Images of the Magoules disaster:

Ilia: damage to infrastructure in the Alpochori and Lanzhou

Losses also occurred at the Aluphorion stadium, the use of which is inappropriate, as well as at the Enipea bridge connecting Lantzoi to Hellidoni, where part of the asphalt fell.

Video of the Alpochori Disasters:

For the second time in a few months, Enipeas is inflated enough with its tumultuous waters to cause trouble at the bridge connecting Lantzi to the Swallow. Much of the road next to the bridge collapsed under the effect of the pressure of the river water that was undermining the ground. This has the effect of stopping traffic in a stream and, after a while, to be completely banned from EE services. Ilia, with a deviation of traffic through Feraida.

Climbing on the road from Kleitoria to Tripoli in Selekou

Due to extreme weather events, rock falls occurred on the Kleitoria-Tripoli road at the Seleucus site.

For the restoration of the rock falls, the entire mechanism of the municipal unit of Klitoria and AT Klitoria was highlighted.

The removal of dangerous rocks was completed Tuesday afternoon in the machinery of the municipality and with the badistance of a private individual.


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