Koke opened the scoring for "robinball" by finishing 87 seconds from the first center to celebrate the fastest goals in their history in the Champions League (at the same time that Monaco accepted the fastest) while Gregeman achieved a score 2-0 at 24 "from the height of the small area, after a beautiful atomic energy and badistant from Korea.
That score even meant being the final, with Monaco having the chance to return to the game in '83, but the former Atletico, Falcao (hated by Atletico's fans when the game was changed), failed!
MADRID ATLANTIC: Oklahoma, Armenia, Savic, Ernests, Philip Luis, Rodri, Thomas, Koke (46 "Vitalo), Lemur (63" Calinic), Gregeman,
MONACO: Bengali, Biancon, Raji, Zimersson, Bantijal, Chadli (63 Diop), Masengo, Tileman, Goolov (Turam-Ulien), Grantsir, Sila
With a Nick run … Three teams
The curse of Lokomotov Moscow since the start of the Champions League this year and which only counted defeats (four in the first matches) is over.
That's why he was forced to score 2-0 at Galatasaray's home with Krivovian's goal in 43 "(shooting from the height of the big box that he found in the leg of the opponent and deceiving the keeper) and Ignatiev in 54 & # 39; (by the fact with his first score to three in the event allowing him to hope to "fly" third place to the Turks leading to the Europa League.
Porto and Schalke have already "locked" the qualification for the knockout stages after Galatasaray's defeat, while AEK remained the only team in the 32nd match to have not taken the lead yet. first five games.
MOSCHAS LOCATED: Gigherme, Ignatiev, Kvirvvelia, Córluka, Ribous, Krivoviak, Denisov, Miranduk A., Al Miradouk (77 Barinov), Farfan (90 Rothenberg), Smolov (88 Ender)
GALATASARA: Monserra, Linnes (89 "Mariano), Campbac, Aziz, Nagatoom, Entigue (68" Inan), So, Fernando (59 "Fugula), Onicuurou, Rodrigues,
Photo credits: AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
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