China: Explosion near the US Embassy in Beijing – World


Chinese police abducted a woman from the US Embbady in Beijing, who was fueled with gasoline and appears to have tried self-inflict, Global Times reported, about from an economic boom

Earlier, Reuters and Sputnik reported that a loud explosion had occurred outside the US Embbady in China, while that Chinese media reported that a police vehicle had been damaged

. The eyewitness told Reuters that Chinese police were examining a vehicle outside the embbady building while photos posted on social networks were showing smoke on the embbady

Another witness said that near the embbady eight police vehicles, while the road leading to the building closed for traffic.

Officials of the US Embbady did not comment on the incident

The Globe Times reported in his Twitter account that it is not clear (1969008 ) (function (d, s, id) {19659008] {function (d, s, id)
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