Chuck Norris-Viktor Orban: An … extraterrestrial friendship is born [βίντεο]


Some would speak of a strange friendship, but the truth is that Chuck Norris and Viktor Orban are quite common, at least from an ideological point of view.

The 55-year-old Hungarian xenophobic Prime Minister welcomed the famous American actress and fervent defender of the film Donald Tramin Budapest, where the Chuck NorrisFound with his wife Gina invited by the Shoebox Charity Campain charity camp organized by the Hungarian Baptist Church to raise money and help children in view of Christmas.

O Viktor Orbahe even mentioned on Facebook admiring the video of the sincere meeting with the "superhero" American telling him: "I've read so much of you, I feel like we've seen each other again." And while kissing Orban, he replies, "90% of the comments I receive are negative. hate me. "

– "Are you like the tramp, then?", says Norris, 78 years old.

– "And something extra"Said Orban and laughed with laughter.

Then, the Hungarian Prime Minister takes the wheel and, after a short drive in the streets of Budapest, he guides him to the country's central counter-terrorism service.

"They are hard", he comments.

The men demonstrate their skills for Orban and the American martial arts star, who is impressed: "I attended exercises all over the world, but it was the best I've ever seen!"

"I am also a street fighter, I do not come from the elite"said Orban and called Norris to return to Hungary to visit his village …

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