Cipra for the fire at Mati: I fully assume political responsibility for the tragedy – Politics


For the worst time of the government's mandate that he did, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said at the Cabinet meeting, take political responsibility for the tragedy. Mr. Tsipras noted that the relevant authorities are coming to the conclusion that behind the deadly fires we had arson, saying, "We do not know what their purpose is and we will not go into the scenarios or hide behind the conspiracy theories "while stressing:" If the authors must strike social cohesion, to create a sense of security for the citizens, then they can try again. "

At the same time, she reminded Greece of a turning point and "regains its domination after eight years, claiming its role as leader in a sensitive area". In these circumstances, security issues are of paramount importance. the historic responsibility of not allowing anyone, in a dark center, to stop our route and to move away from the goal. "

However, Mr. Tsipras, beginning his speech, said that he has mixed feelings at the moment." As I imagine for all of you: Pain, crash, for the lives that have was lost unexpectedly, and unfairly, but also anguish, anguish if we did well what we had to do, if we responded properly to critical times, if we could do more "If we could save even a soul rather than those who are parties unfairly, "asked the Prime Minister, adding:" I do not want to hide either that I do not avoid the thought or the fear: is it also we make the same mistake , many times we have seen others commit in the past, exaggerating excuses to reduce our responsibilities. "

" I want to badume political responsibility for the tragedy before the Cabinet of Ministers and before the Greek people " , he said. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who explained:

"I think that goes without saying to the Prime Minister of the country, and I urge you to take it for granted, no matter how cumbersome. this is also obvious to the government of the country, we will never try to escape our responsibilities, and, as we did not do, when we took over the bankrupt country, we voluntarily charged mistakes and omissions of several decades.As we did not do when we were faced with a huge economic, national and humanitarian disaster, of which others were responsible.So we will not do it now . "

The Prime Minister made a special mention in his speech, in the residential arbitrariness. He said in particular: "Today, we all understand in a painful and in-depth way that we are governing a country that has been dominated by distortions for years.What entire settlements were arbitrarily built on the courts of 39, Water and Beaches Under the responsibility of the clientele, whole residential complexes were created without any provision for the safety of their inhabitants.

This state, however, is now governed by us, "said Tsipras and continued: It is right – and just – that we can not solve huge problems for decades in three years, we must think if we have done everything we can to change it. Have we hesitated, giving priority to the battle to face the humanitarian catastrophe caused by monumental policies, hesitated to face the risk of other disasters, of course distortions that have created the vicious past. "

" Because in many ways there is a question of decapitated heads, or so-called responsible, I will not mince words, "he stressed at another point in the speech. 39, Al.

"The beheadings at the time of the battle, which had become a rule in previous tragedies, are not an act of political bravery, but political cowardice," he said. (19659002 So, do not shoot them, so they can not be fired, so they can not be fired, so they can not be fired., The different judges and lords of the Kana War (19659002) they do not shoot at the firefighters and their leaders, who rushed heroically into the general struggle.

The police, who were not on the battlefield, were now crying a lot more [19659002] Ports, which were killed by hundreds of our fellow men at night

] government and self-government officials who were quick to help the heat of battle. "

Quiet Assessment and Probable Responsibility

Continuing the" departure "of all those who are in the front line, the Prime Minister called him" And we have no intention of us

Once this battle is over, since the last home has disappeared, there will be a fresh badessment and possible responsibility, otherwise we go to witchcraft and try to find scapegoats. "

J & # 39 urges everyone to develop a national plan for the residential area

In the coming year, the Prime Minister is committed to "will develop a national plan that will help to tackle the decades of urbanization.With the participation of scientific bodies, universities and other specialists.And in this effort, I call all the world to join us now And the opposition parties.

Why – co even he explained – it is a national effort, and a duty that stems for everyone from the current tragedy in which live the country and the Greek people. If we have to break eggs, work bulldozers, collide, let's go. We can not and will not, in any case, expect us with crucified hands, and with measures – aspirins, and big words, to awkwardly await the next tragedy. At the same time, at a rapid pace, we will have to reform, reform and improve, according to new needs, new dangers and the European experience, the civil protection mechanism. Guarantee us, so simple and so obvious to any civilized society: that there will be no other similar tragedies. "

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