Cold War between the United States and Russia in the context of the Balkans – New politics


The Cold War between the United States and Russia seems to be spreading to the entire region, Greece being in the whirlwind of a cyclone of which no one knows the evolution. The threats of expulsion of diplomats and rumors of postponement of the trip of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to Athens, modify the data. The traditional ally, the "repudi" that Greece has repeatedly sought in Moscow, has been withdrawn with the Greek diplomacy making its choices.

As shown by the left-wing government SYRIZA, with the blessings of the national-patriotic party of ANEL, the move to the east and now clearly indicates that Greece "belongs to the West" .

However, the geopolitical game around the Skopje region and the creation of areas of influence by the great powers is a bell for Greece. must make a cautious move in the coming years that everything is fluid.

Espionage wars are not usually obvious, but always follow the great geopolitical rivalries in a region. The Balkans could not be an exception. Let us not forget that they have been described as the "powder magazine" of Europe

. It has been clear for a long time that there has been a great geopolitical confrontation around the Western Balkans. The expansion of NATO in much of the Balkans corresponded to the desire to ensure the American presence in the region


In the Eastern Balkans, the Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to NATO ensured the in the plan of installation of Aegis Ashore anti-ballistic battles, which Russia treats as aggressive weapons

In the Western Balkans, there was active participation in Albania, Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro of NATO. Beyond that, in the Western Balkans, there is Bosnia and Herzegovina with its special status, Serbia and Macedonia.

The crucial countries that would consider the badociation were Serbia and Macedonia.

But after the bombing of 1999 and the end of the war cycle in former Yugoslavia and having the open topic of Kosovo, had chosen not to join the alliance, to give more weight to the European perspective

At the same time, Serbia maintains good relations with Russia not only on the basis of common cultural and religious references but also on the basis of economic relations v, Russian companies have a presence especially in the energy sector. The Russian position against the independence of Kosovo has also helped in this direction.

It is a fact that Serbia avoids to show unilateralism, seeking a double balance between Russia and the West, without however moving in the near future. Membership in NATO

The Role of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

De facto, it has reinforced the importance of Macedonia's accession to NATO and its pro-American general orientation. The accession of Macedonia to the alliance will mean that a strong presence of NATO and the United States in the Western Balkans region will be completed, which will objectively limit the capacity of the Russia to develop its own policy. In the context of the "new cold war", such developments are of particular importance.

Russian diplomacy has always attached great importance to Macedonia and makes sure that it does not fit in with the influence of the United States. Although formally the demand for NATO and EU membership as a coherent element was a permanent stance of the entire political scene of the country, it is true that Russia had developed positions relatively good with the previous political situation in Macedonia. In fact, at the height of the political crisis in the neighboring country, Russian diplomacy had adopted a position similar to that of the VMRO because it had denounced that the political crisis was the result of EU and international interventions. of NATO and that there was

In this sense, it is clear that the beginning of the process of dialogue between Greece and Macedonia with a view to the resolution of the nomenclature as a necessary condition at the entrance of Macedonia in NATO was treated a reserve of Russia, just as the United States have welcomed from the beginning

Without being able to know the details, we can badume that in such cases they are activated beyond the formal diplomatic channels and "types" forms of intervention developments and the influence of all the forces involved.

The experiment has shown that this often includes the intervention effort, the 'civ society' In this sense, as has been repeatedly denounced, the presence of people coming from American diplomacy or the American secret services in various mbad mobilizations (for example the so-called "orange revolutions"), one can Assume that if Russia inspected Very dissatisfied with the Macedonian agreement, it is likely that he could have supported it by taking advantage of the great sympathy for Russia in Greece and close cultural and religious ties between the two country. [19659013] A proclamation of war

In this sense, what we have seen is precisely the side of an "irrepressible war" between representatives of different strategies, challenged by a global badociation in the Balkan region and globally on the European continent, that it is not so easy to set up a treaty on "health zones" in Eastern, Central and Southeast Europe.

This is precisely what raises questions about the attitude of the Greek side and especially the badessment that he had – and that he would have to testify in the public sphere – not only for the eventual agreement but also mainly on how the resolution of such a matter will not cause our country in a broader geopolitical competition whose borders are not is always clear.

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