Comes the "Bloody Moon" that we will enjoy for the last time in the 21st century – CreteDoc – News, News, News


FreeTime, NATURE

On July 27 will be held the longest eclipse of the moon, also known as the "Moon of Blood". It is a peculiar phenomenon that has never happened or will not happen again in the 21st century.

According to what NASA has revealed, the moon will experience total eclipse for 1 hour and 43 minutes, which will be visible in some cases. regions of Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Yet, NASA compiled a list of all the dates and duration of total eclipses until 2100 and no other eclipse was observed for such a long time

A shorter overall eclipse is on January 31, 2018 another long – but not longer than the one we will see on July 27 – will be celebrated on January 19, 2019. In total, from 2001 to 2100, we will see 85 extinctions

Assistant Reporter
Graduate in Political Science

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