Commander of Kavala hospital to employees: "In Polakis


Neither one, nor two or three people, but four times, reminded hospital workers that they were grateful to the Minister of Health, Andrea Xanthos, and Deputy Minister, Paul Polakis, for their continued work. Indeed, with expressions such as "do not queue", they did not even ask them to make propaganda for the political leaders of the ministry, in their walks in the city, in their public or personal conversations.

The man who preached the party and in fact publicly confessed that the current workers are the hostages of the government and that his political choices are the commander of the Kavala Hospital, Anastasios Karasavoglou. At a meeting he convened last Tuesday at the hospital amphitheater with staff members working with fixed-term contracts such as cleaners, bankers and guards, Mr. Karasavoglou informed them of the renewal process of their contracts ending at the end of the year.

About 80 subcontractors listened to the hospital commander with worrying concern about whether they would continue to have a job. These are contract workers who, in December, will do 24 months of work and would, under the previous law, have the right to reapply three months after the expiry of the contract. However, thanks to the government's law, they have the opportunity to do this once the notice is published and therefore do not lose a single payday, of course, if their contract is renewed.

"The fact that you can, and again, be a candidate, allowing you to run again and therefore without a break, is due solely to the policy decision of the health policy of the Ministry of Health. In Xanto and Polyakis, that's the case, I do not like to talk like that, but that's all, and everyone around you says something different, it tells you bumps. Bourdes says to you, that you can be a candidate now and that you are with us in December, we will work again, you owe it to Polakis, to Blond and to no one else.I say that because we finally have to say some things with their name, we should tell anyone who wants it, "said the governor of Kavalas hospital, while the hand touches the table to emphasize.

Under the current law, people already working at the hospital will participate in the new competition process with a growing number of degrees. This has provoked strong reactions from those who are applying for the first time and stress that everyone has the right to work. Something the hospital commander reminds the current contract agent saying "everything will be fine" and that he will have a job again in December. Thank you, of course, to the ministers Andreas Xantho and Paul Polakis. "In the competitive process, we have badured you that you are already working here, you will receive a prize in addition to and in addition to all the other people who do not currently discuss with hospital staff." You will get a bonus and I think everything will be fine and we will be together again in December (BS says twice) I think it should also be recognized by the political leadership of the Ministry of Health, because once again, Xanthos and Polakis have those who indicated in the ASPP competition that they should be paid by those who are already employed, "says the Kavala hospital commander to the contract agents.

The boldness overflows when the hospital commander asks contract workers at 700 degrees to say where is the "gift" that the government makes, that is, the right to work. "I want to hear you say in the conversations that you establish," said the governor, the workers not believing in their ears but not reacting in the fear of unemployment. "And I want you to support us in the public discussion that goes on, what we hear from the outside, that in the hospital, they bring themselves and exclude all others. I want you to support us in this, do not let us get away with all this The crap of arguments, which we deliberately chose to employ the staff we already have, and eat wood from the outside (say -the two times.) But a lot of wood, pitiless wood. "Why do not you open the process," they tell us, "they are, there are not any." other, no other needs, should not this story open up to be fair in order to participate in the contest? "We consciously take this burden of our choice, to reward you, but in this debate and in this public debate, we want you to support us all, do not pull the tail, and I want to hear you, in the conversations where you go. In town, at the friends' house, if they ask you, that's the way it should be done for that and that's why. And do not pay the bride all the time to be in the crush. We want you to help us in this case. "

The audio extract from the information meeting of the contract agents at Kavala hospital was published by the Panhellenic Federation of Hospital Employees, denouncing the government and the governor for propaganda. "She says they have obligations to Polakis – Blonde.We do not have to do with a government that respects the right of citizens to work.Polakis has sentenced the hospital commanders to spread SYRIZA and himself.The commander of the Kavala General Hospital called the staff of the collaboration at the hospital amphitheater (former contractor) .The way he spoke to the workers shows the style and philosophy of "first-clbad leftist government." With bottomless joy and tsamboukas, he told them again and shouted that he owed it to Paulie and Blond. tsugukas even though they lose their jobs because their contract has expired.This misleads them by giving them the right to reapply to the new notice.He strikes his hand at the table, shouting that he owes Polakis – Blonde, SYRIZA official, contractual agent, everything to vote for SYRIZA ", says POEDIN in his announcement.

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