Commemoration of the monument of the Jewish cemetery of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki


"Today, unidentified people have denigrated the Jewish cemetery monument on the AUTh campus.We have immediately repaired the damage and condemned the act unacceptable," said l & # 39; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in a statement.

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in a statement condemns the desecration of the Jewish cemetery monument at Campus, stressing that "religious fanaticism and intolerance do not offer solutions but constitute the problem". "We will continue to fight for better education and for a more tolerant society."

"Another problem of fascist aggression"

"The solutions offered by education and education" are highlighted in the announcement. has come to add to the tense climate that has been created in recent weeks in Thessaloniki by far right groups on the occasion of the Prespa Agreement, "reports SYRIZA in a statement to On the occasion of the vandalism of the monument to the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, when the self-proclaimed "patriots" denigrated the Jewish monument located at the University of Aristotle by launching paintings and writing slogans, "SYRIZA of Thessaloniki notes and condemns the desecration of the monument" considering this as the greatest insult to our Jewish compatriots who died in Nazi concentration camps

"We declare that we will not tolerate any form of nationalist intolerance and we will not allow the return to the dark pages of history and we call united the democratic world to react

The municipality of Thessaloniki expresses its horror

The "deep consternation" es t expressed by the administration of the Municipality of Thessaloniki on the occasion of the desecration – for the second time in two weeks – of the Holocaust Monument on the campus of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki

"The devastation of the Monument that reminds us that the university of the city itself was built on the uprooted cemetery of our fellow Jews is a major insult not only to the memory of the Jews of our fellow citizens who were lost in the Holocaust but mainly in the collective memory and history of the city itself, "said the administration in a statement, adding:" Hate and racist violence that have led the author's hand are inappropriate in Thessaloniki, a city that will host the Holocaust Museum of Greece as a world reference monument against racism. They are also uncomfortable with the city which attracts visitors from around the world, a tourist destination because of its rich history and multicultural character. "

In conclusion, he emphasizes that the polarization that dominates the central political scene and country on the sidelines of foreign policy issues that occupy the public agenda, empowers the extreme and marginal people who have the opportunity to undermine democracy itself, as well as an open and tolerant society. "Racism, all kinds of violence, vandalism and insulting insults against anything else, the lack of tolerance and acceptance of the Other, are elements that characterize the economic and social crisis that has raged in the country for years. But they must not pbad, they must not be tolerated, the culprits must be found and punished, "he says.

" The layman, those who have committed dishonest acts and disasters of the Jewish Monument of Aristotle University, have no place. "That everyone stops, from all sides, to throw oil into the fire of nationalism and intolerance, and that everyone stops, everyone in his own way, provokes, offends the patriotism, faith and pride of the inhabitants of our Thessaloniki ", concludes the announcement.

SYRIZA: The horror of the desecration of the Jewish cemetery of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki



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