Completion of the 2017 dues offset for parallel employees


EFCA: Completion of 2017 Membership Compensation for Parallel Employees Blocks

The time has come to pay retroactive contributions or refunds to parallel employees and blockers.

According to a notice issued by EFCA, the settlement of insurance contributions for 2017 year-round farmers, self-employed and self-employed insured, employed or self-employed, or subject to the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 39 of Law No. 4387/2016, that is to say that the "Blocks" must be posted on their personal account on the EMPA website, on Friday – Saturday 30/11 , the 30/11/18/2018.

The notices of October 2018 will be posted on the same dates, for which the payment period is extended until Friday 7/12/2018.

The rights and benefits related to the payment of contributions remain active until that date (arrangements, insurance coverage, insurance coverage, according to EMPL).

Last updated: Wednesday, 28 November 2018, 19:29

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