Constancy "self-placement" for the alleged achievements in the field of justice


Here, judges, lawyers and court officials complain about the situation in justice, and Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis condemns and glorifies the government, recruits judicial personnel, reduces the number pendent cases, justice online,

More specifically, in a statement released last night, Mr. Kontonis stated that the party chairman "Potami" Stavros Theodorakis, in his speech to the House today, mentioned among others the problem (19459003) According to the announcement, Mr Theodorakis said that about 200,000 cases are pending before the administrative courts.

On the occasion of this report by Mr. Theodorakis, the Minister of Justice notes that this reference is "correct because at this time before the administrative courts, there are about 195 000 pending cases

However, Mr. Kontonis, in his announcement, outside of Parliament, announces that he wants to inform Mr. Theodorakis (and with the Greek "

What is it?" is, said Mr. Kontonis, is that "in 2015 we received a total of 310,000 cases in the country's administrative courts", with a tendency to increase, and today we have not only reversed the growth way of waiting, but we have limited it to the number I mentioned. "

And not all that, says the Minister of Justice:
who in very little time

The legislative measures we have taken, the modernization of the administrative procedure, the implementation of the e-justice program and the recruitment of the judiciary mainly to the administrative staff directly attributed the above results. conducting videoconference trials, which, I hope, will be in place by the end of the year, we believe that the litigation pending before administrative tribunals will be canceled within two years
In the same direction, the workers you and eliminate the delays in civil and criminal justice, where we already have the first encouraging results.

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