Countdown Scorpions at Kallimarmaro


There are a few hours left for the big Scorpions concert in Kallimarmaro, under the title "Once in a Lifetime."

The veterans of the rock scene, who have so much resonance in our country, come for the last time to Athens and co-star for one night, with the Athens State Orchestra (KOA), to present some of their greatest hits with a symphonic sound

"It will not be a simple concert but a great cultural event, a special experience not only for the public but also for us As" said last May at the conference of two members of the group, guitarist Rudolf Schenker and singer Klaus Meine giving tonight mark.

"We are delighted to play in this place, but also to meet familiar faces that we met in the early years 1990. Kallimarmaro is a reason for you to name the concert "unique concert". Of course, we have always played in wonderful places like Lycabettus, but this time, the history of the monument and the collaboration with clbadical music make the concert unique, "they point out

. of symphonic music, as they said "the different types of music have to meet.The music connects people.It is the dialect that brings people together, good and bad.It unites us not only with our friends but also with us. "

The musical meeting of Scorpions and COM will follow the musical sequences of Christine Kolonovic for the concert given by German rockers to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Tonight's concert will be opened by the State Orchestra of Athens, under the direction of Stefanos Tsialis, presenting for the first time in Greece with a symphonic sound some of the greatest hits of the famous scorpions.

From the longest and most commercial rock ensembles, the Scorpions, formed in Hanover, West Germany in 1965. Dissemination of dozens of albums and records. they are in more than 100 million copies in the world. In fact, an important moment in their career was written in Athens in 2013, where their three unique appearances in Lycabettus were recorded and recorded for "MTV Unplugged Live in Athens."

In Greece, they gave about 25 concerts across the country, with the public following them faithfully and deposing them of Toumba and Karaiskaki in the stadiums of Ioannina and Patras, as well as Lycabettus and Nero Square

. who makes such a popular band, as the song Klaus Meine said of them: "You rock has stopped being so revolutionary, but young people need this music as' food for the soul ". And that will never change … "

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