28/11/18 • 19:25 | UPD 28/11/18 • 19:25
Press room eleftherostypos.gr
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The prosecution for the case of smuggling of gold concerns four crimes and four misdemeanors.
Among the categories of gold smuggling and wearing out are prosecutions initiated by the prosecutor, at the expense of those arrested for participating in the circuit that was dismantled as a result of a major operation of the police.
The prosecution for the case of smuggling of gold concerns four crimes and four misdemeanors.
The charges against the arrested people are based on crimes of criminal organization, smuggling, money laundering and usury. In addition, the offenses of violation of the laws on drugs and weapons, the acceptance and disposal of the proceeds of crime and counterfeiting after use.
Where applicable, criminal proceedings in respect of the offense committed concern his offenses:
a) criminal organization,
(b) the traffic,
(c) money laundering and
d) Wear.
Criminal proceedings in a detention case are related to his offenses:
(a) Violation of the Narcotics Act,
(b) violation of the Weapons and Ammunition Act,
(c) accept and dispose of the proceeds of crime;
(d) Falloplasty after use
The accused will be brought to the interrogator, from whom they should be given a deadline to apologize.
Read also: Gold Circle: Bars, 513 kg of silver and 1121 pounds of gold – What has EL.AS found? [εικόνες & βίντεο]
It should be noted that the only value of the seized persons is approximately 2 million euros.
In total, 63 people were arrested for this extreme case and, for the owner of a chain of 51-year-old pawnbrokers, he played a leading role with a Turkish partner.
Everything seems to be the person in which the mafia robbery was stolen by illegal means, because there were 44 pawnbrokers throughout Greece, one in Portugal and one in Spain, while the information indicates that those who will eventually be translated before the prosecutor will face their charges. integration and participation in a criminal organization and smuggling of smugglers.
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