Cristiano's relationship with Pereth


He had a royal contract, but his relations with Florentino Pereth were often red. At least in seven cases, the CR7 … broke with Pereth in a relationship of … anger

September 2012

This was the first major clash between Cristiano and Real! The Portuguese began their fourth season in Chamartín, but the climate was frozen, his team did not offer better. At the same time, Peret did not accompany him to UEFA Galla, as Rosel Messi, Iniesta. When he complained to the strong man of the team, he got the answer: "Bring the money to sign Messi." In the next match, Cristiano scored two goals against Granada but did not celebrate. "I'm sad and the club knows it," he said. The negotiations lasted several months and when Paris entered the bay, then signed a contract until 2018.

September 2014

After the 10th Champions League, Real decided to sell Di Maria and to make the overtaking with Hammers, while he lit a green light for the transcript of Chambie Alonso in Bayern. In Madrid came Cros, but also Tsitsarito. Cristiano seemed dissatisfied with the fact that the club did not share his thoughts on the transcriptional movements with him. In fact, the Portuguese star stressed after a defeat against Sossidad that he can freely express his point of view, but only the president decides on the moves.

November 2015

Relations between Florentino Peret and Cristiano Ronaldo worsened on November 3, 2015. Then Peret asked for explanations for some of his statements to Kicker. Before the match against Paris, he said: "I'm leaving Madrid, why not?" Real's powerful husband demanded insistent explanations and ironically told Ronaldo constantly telling him "What's wrong?" I said I did not say anything. "At that time, he had a warm handshake with Al Kelafi, a powerful Parisian man. After a year of secrets, conspiracies, and more, Ronaldo renewed in 2021.

February 2016

The 2015-16 season had another major disagreement between Cristiano and the administration. The Portuguese star expressed her dissatisfaction with the preparations for the summer, the bad organization and the tour in Australia and China. She did it end of January, when Real regained his composure after months of tension with Benitez, and the arrival of Zidane on the bench. "We now have a positive attitude.The preparation was not very good, there were many trips."

June 2017

On June 3, 2017, Real played in the final of the Champions League with Juventus. Peret, after the meeting, promised Ronaldo to improve his contract. Contract closed between 2016 and 2021 with 21 million euros. This economic improvement never happened and Cristiano was deeply dissatisfied. This promise, which did not happen, brought … fire and chaos on November 2, 2017. Cristiano told the press that "I do not want to renew with Real". He then "softened" by saying, "I would like to finish my career here, but it is the president who gives the orders". The bullet … was sent back to Pereth by Cristiano. However, on the sidelines of the 5th edition of Ronaldo's Golden Ball, Peretz suggests closing Neimar. The Portuguese have seen Messi go to 45 million a year and Neimar to Paris with 37 have never forgotten that …

June 2017

On June 16, 2017, A Bola revealed: "Christine wants to leave Spain. "The reason for this Portuguese wish, according to at least the publication, is the famous case of tax evasion. Ronaldo appeared "very disappointed", according to the report, with the accusations he faces in Spain and wants to leave the country, despite the absolute support of the Madrid team. The Portuguese felt bad, because in England there was no such treatment of Justice, and on the other hand it did not have the absolute support of the Portuguese. administration. CR7 has never questioned the information contained in the Portuguese newspaper, having solved this problem by itself, reached a verbal agreement with the Madrid prosecutor to pay a fine of 18.8 million.

May 2018

The Real Madrid has just won the 13th Champions, but Cristiano Ronaldo launches the … bomb. "Now we have to enjoy it and in the next few hours I will give an answer to the fans, who were always on my side." It was very nice to be in Real, and I will give an answer in the next few days. "Florentino Peret tried to keep his cool, but he could not hide his anger about the statements that he thought had been made to a bad point" Everyone has the right to speak here here. important that is the club, I'm not here to talk to any particular player, Cristiano has a contract, "he said," the break in the relationship was final. "Ronaldo lit the green light for his retirement, Real was late enough to reach it, CR7 felt hurt and this led him to look for a new destination: Juventus

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