Cyprus: The black birthday of Attila – 44 years after the Turkish invasion [εικόνες & βίντεο]


The newspaper was written on July 20, 1974 when the Turkish invasion of Cyprus began on the shores of Kyrenia. Atlas was in full swing, Cyprus would never be the same again

Turkey dispersed the wreckage and death in Cyprus and continues to hold illegally for 44 years 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus and the largest part

More than 43,000 heavy armed soldiers from Turkey remain in occupied areas

 Turkish tanks

It is noted that, beginning with Resolution 353 of July 20 Security Council from 1974, the UN elected "for the immediate end of foreign military intervention in the Republic of Cyprus" and "for the immediate withdrawal of foreign military personnel from the Republic of Cyprus, the presence of which does not exist". is not provided for by international agreements. "

Greek Cypriots have the right to return to their homes and belongings

 Relatives keep pictures of their missing relatives

This gave rise to appeals in The European Court of Justice human rights, which has made important decisions on violations of the European Convention by Turkey

In addition to the economic disaster caused by the invasion and violent movements of the population, more than 3,000 people were killed. Greek Cypriots are still missing

 Pain and sadness next to a grave

Ankara proceeds to the systematic colonization of areas occupied by illegal settlers and forced many Turkish Cypriots into November 1983, Turkey instigated and welcomed the "unilateral declaration of independence" of Turkish Cypriot leaders in the occupied zone.

In November 1983, Turkey aroused and welcomed the unilateral declaration of independence of Turkish Cypriot leaders in the occupied zone. The so-called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" ("TRNC") has not been recognized by any state other than Turkey, which exercises control on the merits.

United Nations Security Council Resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984) unequivocally condemn this unilateral action, declare it void, request its withdrawal and call upon all United Nations Member States to not recognize this illegal entity. The European Union and other international and regional organizations have adopted similar positions

For all legal and political reasons, the international community recognizes only the Republic of Cyprus, created in 1960 and its government, even if the government can not exercise power in areas under Turkish military occupation.

The time of the invasion: From the July 15 coup to the invasion of Attila 2 on the island [19659016] * The video was uploaded to YouTube by Andreas Papaioanno

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