D. Tzanakopoulos for pensions: "There is no question of retroactive claims" – News – news


Government and Government Affairs spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said the payment of the retrospective fees to uniforms, doctors and judges announced by the TIF before the end of the year, stressed that these amounts have been calculated and do not represent an additional burden. And he added – on the occasion of the pensioners' judgments – that the Catrugale Act of 2016 had taken into account the decisions of the CoE.

For returnees of pensioners

"The 2016 Insurance Law is in perfect harmony with the CoE decision," he said of the single-member court ruling and the retroactive claim of two retired for reductions imposed before 2016.

The state minister spoke of a complex legal problem. As he has said, the decision of the Single Administrative Court of First Instance for the two pensioners is in line with that of the Council of Europe, according to which the pension cuts imposed on the PASOK-ND government from 2012 are unconstitutional. However, as Mr Tzanakopoulos added, the Council of Europe has not given retroactive effect to its decision.

Regarding scientists' estimates of the government's budget burden in case of return, the government spokesman said that "any estimate of the financial cost is wasteful". He added that decisions on unconsolidated law enforcement doctors, as presented by the Prime Minister to FIT, will be made later this year. "All these amounts have been taken into account and the target set with the Eurogroup of a primary surplus of 3.5% is not affected," said Tzanakopoulos.

For constitutional revision

The country's constitutional charter described the constitutional revision when the state minister declared that it would fuel an "intense discussion in many ways" and added that SYRIZA had become "an extremely painful process" which, like the Said Tzanakopoulos, in a proposal that includes "mature demands and mature amendments to the constitution that take into account the experience of the memoranda and the bankruptcy of the country".
He left points for ND's position, noting that he had avoided a constructive debate on the changes needed for a new political architecture. Commenting on the opposition's claim that the government is using the constitutional revision as a fireworks device, Mr. Tzanakopoulos said that "the Prime Minister has opened the dialogue since the summer of 2016 ( for the constitutional revision) and since the country's exit from the country, the memorandum opens the debate ". "Let the ND tell us when it would not be a fire of communication," said the government spokesman.
With regard to Article 3, the Minister of State stressed that the conflict between the government and the Church was not a political choice, but a dialogue aimed at achieving a consensus with all parties concerned to progressively make the necessary changes in the religious neutrality of the state and distinct roles on both sides. Finally, Mr. Tzanakopoulos emphasized the government 's expectation that there would be too many articles in the required majority.

Establishment of an interrogation committee

One thing is the constitutional revision to protect the government and the necessary measures for social protection and other elements of delinquency and if we are going to cover them, said Mr. Tzanakopoulos in response to objections on the way in which there is would have a political consensus for the constitutional revision. discussing critics.
Asked about the opportunity to open a preliminary inquiry, the government spokesman said: "I will dismiss neither the committee's conclusion nor the parliamentary process" and recommended it to the parties and political parties possibly involved, less stress and more patience.

For Greek-Turkish relations

"The decision to extend the territorial sea is a sovereign right of our country and we will not ask anyone to exercise it", is the message of the Minister of State in the context of the Turkish challenges.
"The threat of violence is illegal under international law." Do not badume that Turkey can still act in terms of direct violation, "said Tzanakopoulos at another point in his interview, stressing at the same time that" the threat of violence is illegal. the escalation in which the neighbor was moving was a context in which we are accustomed, "It does not contribute either to the good relations of the two countries in its relations with the EU and should change the line".
The government spokesman was asked to comment on Ankara's intentions regarding the joint exploitation of Cypriot areas, saying that "Turkey in its territorial waters can do what it wants in terms of Territorial waters in the EU Member States – exploit them – is not empowered to intervene "to add significantly" we will defend our own sovereign rights and any member state of the EU. EU ".
In conclusion, however, he reiterated that the government was cautiously monitoring the situation, but that it remained focused on the need for a dialogue to resolve conflicts.

For the cohesion of the government with the agreement of Prespa

Mr Kammenos will not fight with the ND or with the far right for the fall of the government, said Mr Tzanakopoulos, stressing that ANEL should leave when the agreement will be submitted to parliament, this does not change the balance for the completion of the government's mandate.

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