Daily Forecasts for the Twelve Signs – Monday, July 23


The astrologer Smauro Sotiraki badyzes the signs today and provides you with your daily horoscope according to the pbadages of the planets and the astrological aspects read the daily forecasts for your sign


The Moon is in the friendly for you are a sign of Sagittarius and this is helpful, although it forms a complex of faces that need attention. The square of Aphrodite of the Virgin and Poseidon of Pisces suggests that you should be vigilant so as not to misunderstand your daily obligations, especially if you have financial problems. Just as you should be in your feelings, Poseidon will create a cloudy landscape and Venus will try to streamline you and you will be even more confused. Keep away from important issues as the day is not appropriate for final judgments.

Today, you must pay attention to what you promise your partner because they will have an element of exaggeration and you will not either. you will be able to fill them. If you are free / try not to fall into the trap to idealize whatever you want because it is possible.


Today, you need to be careful about your financial dealings with the public, banks and other organizations, but also with your interpersonal relationships as the day hides traps. The Moon is in Sagittarius and the square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgo and Poseidon by Pisces suggests that it will be easy to confuse and make decisions on financial but also erotic issues that will not be to your advantage. Keep a basket today and become particularly suspicious if you hear a lot of beautiful words because it will be difficult to answer the reality.

The day will not help you to be completely honest with your partner, but the same may also be true for him / her, because he / she has avoided discussions on serious issues as he / she does not. is not certain that the truth will be heard. If you are free / try not to let new acquaintances as they may not be such as they appear.


The Moon is still in Sagittarius and highlights the contacts with other important people in your life. The square of Aphrodite of the Virgin and Poseidon of Pisces suggests that you might be disoriented and not see the problems that interest you and relate to your people through the logic of reason. The day is not appropriate for new agreements, contracts or discussions on new partnerships as it will be very easy to draw wrong conclusions. Try to keep distances from bumps that may approach you to make sure that they will not bewilder you.

The day suits big or small lies, and you can be found as an author or victim for it's worth paying attention to emotional issues. If you are free to say that the one who faces you can meet your emotional needs,


The day will have many jobs and obligations that will deconstruct you. create a trend for you to have an idea that will not help you finish them quickly. The Moon is still in Sagittarius, and the place it forms with Aphrodite by Virgin and Poseidon of Pisces will make you pay more attention to your sentimental problems and your obligations will be left behind. Then, to be able to cover yourself, you will be forced to say things that are not true and all this will create a vicious circle that will not help you. Try to focus on what you have to do and then find a way to reward yourself for your dedication!

Today, you can become a little too exaggerated about your tasks to gain compbadion and why not help your partner in them. If you are free, do not listen to what your people say about someone you feel sensitive because they will bewilder you.


The day is dedicated to emotional issues like the Moon in Sagittarius Increase your appetite for flirting and for contacts with people of erotic interest. The square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgo and Poseidon by Pisces suggests that the day will be perfect and that is exactly what you need to pay attention to. Do not pay much attention to fine words as they may not respond to reality and will leave you unnecessarily. Get ready to take small but regular steps in your personal life as the day is not appropriate for something more

Today you will strongly feel the desire to flirt and meet new people even if you have already found your love! Try to avoid it if you do not want to compromise your relationship. If you are free as someone who looks "gold" can not be.


Today, you prefer to stay at home or if you even have free time to spend with me your own people. The Moon is still in Sagittarius and the place it forms with Venus in your sign and Poseidon in Pisces suggests that there will be a tendency for misunderstandings in your family as well as in your professional environment. You can not accept something you do not like or take it seriously, and give importance to something that does not fit the reality simply because it finds you d & # 39; agreement. The day hides traps and you are called to perceive them and to exceed them

Today sincerity will not be a characteristic of the discussions that you will have with your partner, it is better to avoid even the most important ones! If you are free, keep some distance with someone if you think that it does not give you clear answers.


Contacts with people in your environment will continue today because the Moon in Sagittarius makes you particularly communicative and moody for cousins. The square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgo and Poseidon by Pisces suggests that much of what you will hear, but much of what you say will not correspond to reality. Try not to do it deliberately because it can hurt your credibility. It would be good to stay away from shops and markets because today there is a risk of getting a defective product and not having it on time or paying a lot more for a purchase of which you need

Today, you must preserve your relationships from the crowd, otherwise your partner may be seduced by the opinions of people around you who will hurt your relationship! If you are free a new acquaintance will not show you from the beginning his intentions so that you do not rush to draw conclusions.


Today is a day when a meaningful and unique role will play all that is related to your fund. The Moon is still in Sagittarius and this creates the need to see bills, receipts and financial agreements. The square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgo and Poseidon by Pisces suggests that there will be bad decisions about financial problems that will hurt you. He avoided embarking on a new pay-as-you-go transaction and considered the possibility of mismanaging your resources. If you manage to separate what you really need from what you think you need, you can get started on your financial problems.

Today, it is possible to blame your partner that he can not cover your feelings. needs but consider covering them but not as you wish. If you are free, do not turn your back on the one you love because there will be clear specimens.


The Moon is always in your sign and creates an intensity that will make you special demanding by the people you have chosen to be next to you. The square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgo and Poseidon by Pisces suggests that a commercial problem may arise that will make you confused. It is possible to seek advice from your own people, but know how it will make you even more confused. It would be a good idea to avoid final decisions and new starts today and if you make a suggestion of anything that takes a few days to let Poseidon's insult away from your thoughts!

Today, your partner will tell you his opinion but an opinion on a subject that concerns you can lead you and not make the right decision. If you are free, it avoids sentimental investments because they present a high risk of risk!


The Moon is still in Sagittarius and will create the need to keep distance from situations and people in order to be able to see you more clearly. The square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgin and Poseidon of Pisces suggests that seeing everything clearly today is not an easy task. Avoid making decisions, but also trust people who are not sure because the day has enough background to blur the landscape. Take a step back if you do not want to make the wrong decisions that will later conflict with your wishes.

Today, you must be careful because you can get drunk and pbad on something to your partner who should not learn if you are free, someone who is interested to you on a sentimental level will only show you one aspect of yourself. Try not to beautify it to avoid making the wrong decisions.


Today, you will deal with the public, with club issues, you are a member, with your friends, even with issues related to voluntary actions that the Moon by Sagittarius will help in this domain. The square that forms with Aphrodite by Virgo and Poseidon Pisces can create confusion and bad judgment with your loved ones. Try to separate your friends from your colleagues and people who have a common action through a group but you are not friends because this separation will help you clarify some things. If you do not, you can embellish some people and offend others!

Today, you have preferred to be honest with your partner and talk to him personally and without hesitation if there is something to fear. If you are free to think about your own needs and do not identify yourself with your friends as they are totally personal


Your beliefs about issues related to your career need to be reevaluated they respond to the reality and you will not like it at all. The Moon is still in Sagittarius and the place that forms with Venus by Virgo and Poseidon in your sign will not help your business problems. The truth is that you may be confused with a professional suggestion or some people related to your business environment and that will transform you boomerang. Stay away from intrigues and collages if you do not want to be seduced by them as they will be appearing today!

Today, you are likely to try to persuade your partner for something that is not true, but think that there is the possibility of being exposed like "no crypt under the sun". If you are free, do not let your personal life and emotional choices be exposed to your work environment.

Source : Daily Predictions by Smaro Sotirakis of e-zwdia.gr

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