Dalaka "upset" the fighters and offered to leave


Things were right before immunity. If one of the remaining fighters won, then the island council would have some interest. But if they lost, then everyone knew who Survivor 2's retired candidates would be.

Boy and Gotsis were fighting as long as she did not go away but Katerina Dalaka had a other opinion. So even though she was alone at the end with both male fighters, she won them! It is worth noting that Dalaka played without personal gain since he has immunity to the semifinals anyway

So what was happening in the island board was almost prescribed. Nicholas proposed that Nicholas be proposed, while Katerina Dalaka, as owner of personal immunity, told Elias

This means that in the episode tomorrow, another fighter will leave Agios Domininos [19659005]! (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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