Dangerous game with fire is played in the Persian Gulf World


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said directly on the bottom of the burning tanks that Washington believed that Tehran was responsible for the attacks on two oil tankers in Oman Bay.

The gradual rise of the climate of uncertainty in the Persian Gulf, unimaginable a year ago, is an extremely worrying development, reminiscent of the seasons in which navigation in the critical channel was put to the test. because of war conflicts. The region is not in an open state of war, but the mysterious successive attacks of mines or torpedoes against oil tankers may be a pretext for sinking into conflict.

On Thursday morning, the Norwegian tanker "Front Altair" was attacked and caught fire in the Gulf of Oman, a few tens of kilometers from the Straits of Ormuz, while a little later in the In the same area, the Panamanian-flagged oil tanker was attacked "Brave Kokuka." The 44 sailors of the two oil tankers were forced to leave and safely transported to the neighboring shores of Iran. The United Arab Emirates have been exploded on a small scale.The US National Security Advisor, John Bolton, had stated without any evidence that they had been committed with Iranian mines.

In the metaphorical sense, we could certainly talk about demining, but the question is, by whom? New incidents occurred in the aftermath of the meeting of the largest Iranian religious leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, with Japanese Prime Minister Sinzo Ambe as part of the most serious mediation effort between the United States and the United States. Iran since the beginning of the crisis.

The weather

"The word" suspicious "does not even describe what happened this morning," said Iran's Foreign Minister Tsavad Zarif, adding that the two tankers were carrying "Japanese-bound" cargo. Abe's mediation has resulted in no visible progress, but it is different to miss a man-made effort to appease tensions and the country that intervenes so that its interests are attacked immediately after the end of the mediation .

The United States and Iran are pursuing US-led circles led by John Bolton, as well as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and the former terrorist organization of Iranian dissidents Mujahideen Halk (MEK). Tehran, meanwhile, seeks to lift the sanctions imposed by Washington to improve the gloomy economic climate that has developed in the country.

There is no indication that, through Ambe, the United States has made a substantial offer to negotiate with Iran, beyond convincing calls for dialogue. Given that Trab has canceled the product of the most intense negotiations conducted by Iran with the international community, the 2015 nuclear deal, the hesitation in Tehran to attempt to resolve it would, in any case, huge. Europe is at a standstill because, as announced earlier this week by German Foreign Minister Haikos Maa, the European Union has nothing to offer Iran, apart from the threat of alignment even more comprehensive of Europe with American politics. Sanctions.

Maas, Abe and British Minister Jeremy Hant stressed the risk of military conflict caused by miscalculations. But if the United States makes the fatal decision to attack Iran, they will not need an accident because they did not need an accident on August 4, 1964, when it was There was no USS Maddox attack on Tonkin Bay by the Northwest. The war followed in Vietnam.


For the moment, the conflict between the United States and Iran is preparing in cyberspace, with a stopover in … Albania. There is the "Mujahideen Chalk" farm, which bombards prints and social media in English, with articles claiming that the Iranian people want the American attack to free them from the mullahs. The organization had "sown" articles from non-existent editorialist Hsmath Alai in dozens of publications, including Forbes magazine. Communication accounts were used for account communications, for example 350 accounts that sent 5 million tweets to 500,000 subscribers. Similar content was the Iran Disinfo campaign, which had been funded by the State Department, purportedly for informational purposes, primarily for defamation campaigns. The subject of the campaign, which lost public funds after the general outcry, was the systematic identification and slander of those who opposed the war with Iran as the Iranian government.

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