Dead Former Deputy George Katsimardis was taken back by the sea


A pardon, as all this seems, was the founding member of PASOK and the former deputy minister, George Katsibardis as he recovered from the dead of the sea. The 79-year-old body was spotted in the morning in the sea, near the port of Drosia. The former Deputy Interior Minister was transferred with an EKAB ambulance to the hospital in Chalkis, where his death was recorded

Who was G. Katsimardis [19659003] The deceased was born on January 26, 1939, in Domvrania, Viotia. He was deputy to Boeotia for 23 years.

He studied law at the University of Athens and practiced law and several cases were defended by non-profit organizations and cooperative organizations. G. Katsimbardis was also a champion on the streets of speed, a member of the National Athletics Team and Balkan (1960).

His political activity began at the junta as a member of the PKK anti-dictatorial and in 1974 he was a founding member of PASOK.

Giorgos Katsimardis (left) was a member of Boeotia for 23 years (right A. Kotsakas)

Giorgos Katsimardis (left) was deputy of Boeotia for 23 years [à droite] (1977-2000) , and during the same period, he worked for P. Secretary of the Department of Local Government and Institutions and in 1994 member of PASOK Executive Board

. The same year, he was appointed member of the Party's Executive Secretariat and appointed head of the Executive Bureau of Public Administration, Public Order, Institutions, while in 1995 he was re-elected as a member of the Communist Party Greek. from PASOK

G. Katsimburdis, had written several books -Photo: Eurokinissi G.Katsimbardes, had written several books

He had written several books, published by Livani Publishing, such as "Dionysus of Cadiz to Oedipus", "Euripides, his time and messages emanating from the Phoenicians "," Trophon, the reformist architect, god of divination "," There is also Vouthoi "," PASOK and modernization "," epic Cyclades myths, Homer, Hesiod, Pindar and Herodotus: the main sources of the first volume "," History of seven myths, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides: the basic sources of the second volume "and" Vlachs and Bacchus at Thebes "


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