Defeat of Latvia National Youth :: Athletic Radio 104.2


The National Adolescent was the first to be defeated in the 1965 Group A European Championship race, as he failed to defeat the "hostess" Latvian who won with 80-74.

The Latvians after the defeat at the premiere of Croatia "saw" the race of today as … final. (4-0), but the Greek team seems not to be affected by the atmosphere at its expense and with 5 consecutive points Arsenopoulos takes advantage 4-5 (742)) . The game had all the features of a derby with both teams alternating at the top of the score. Rangovopoulos scored 17-18 (205), but the Latvians managed to close the first period with 23-18.

Latvians retained the positive "Momentum" and the start of the second season, leading to the first time with +9 points (27-18, 754). But there was the Greek reaction and with a single score of 4-14, the national team preceded us with 31-32 (409). Once again, the Latvians managed to finish the 10 minutes with a 44-39 lead.

With a high score, Latvia managed to take the lead with +9 points (55-46, 437), but our national team gave me back the "tight" defense

The Sandramanis triplet revived the Greek hopes with our national team who took the place of 61-66, 843 before the end. An 8-0 Latvian turn reversed the trend, and despite the fact that the Greek team stayed close to the score, the hostess finally won the 80-74 victory.

DEBATES: 23-18, 44-39, 61-60, 80-74
Arbitrators: Bojinovic (Montenegro), Achaea (Finland)] Greece (Vlbadopoulos): Arsenopoulos 18 (2), Hatzidakis 10, Gargali 4, Rangavopoulos 15 (1), Sandramanis 20 (2), Hugaz, Kamateros, Karabelas, Kourtidis, Tsirogiannis 6, Tsoumanis 1, Voulgaropoulos
(Rubensis): Kilts 4, Kuruc 18 (1), Miskka 12, Viksines 2, Zagars 25 (4), Berks 7, Berzins, Lebiviewski, Snicke 1, Steinbergs, Vervis 11 (19659009) / The 8th National will face Croatia (14h00)

[19659010] Greece-Italy 81-65

Croatia-Latvia 77-73



Latvia-Greece 80-74

31/7 ]

14.00 Croatia-Greece

18.30 Italy-Latvia

1. Germany 1-1

Latvia 1-1

3.Croatia 1-1

4.Italy 1 -1

Group B


28/7 [19659009] Turkey-Germany 73-67

Russia-France 82-80


France-Turkey 78-67

Germany-Russia 75-72


20.45 France-Germany


1.France 1-1

2.Fos 1-1

3.Germany 1- 1

4.Turkey 1-1

3rd group




Ukraine-Finland 56-81


Bosnia and Herzegovina 67-80

Finland-Spain 55-78

Bosnia and Herzegovina

20.45 Spain-Ukraine

Clbadification [19659009] 1.Spain 2-0

2.Finland 1-1

3.Ukratia 1-1

4. Bosnia and Herzegovina 0-2




United Kingdom-Montenegro 87-78




14.00 Montenegro-Serbia

18.30 Lithuanian-United Kingdom

Clbadification [19659009] 1.Lithuania 2-0

2.Serbia 1-1

3.Mr. United Kingdom 1-1

4.Bulgarian 0-2

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