Demo Lottery – to see here if you have won € 1,000 excluding taxes


See HERE for luck money for cleared transactions in October 2018

As with any tax, 1,000 lucky winners earned € 1,000. These cash prizes are untied, tax-free, are not considered income and are not subject to any reserves for the benefit of the State or third parties.

Each VAT number participates in the draw based on the number of vouchers it collects, based on the scale and amount of its monthly transactions.

The number of vouchers is staggered on the sum of the sums corresponding to the total transactions of the month for which the drawing of lots is concerned, as follows:

  • For a total amount of transactions up to 100 euros, one ticket for each euro.
  • For the next 400 euros, a total of 101 euros to 500 euros, a ticket for every two euros.
  • For the next 500 euros, a total amount of 501 euros to 1000 euros, a ticket for three euros.
  • For the excess amount, a total amount exceeding EUR 1,001, a ticket for four euros.

The lots collected by taxpayers who will participate in the tax deduction for August transactions have already been registered and you can view them using Taxisnet codes by entering the special request.

How do you see if you have won 1000 €

Taxpayers can be contacted on the AAD website at the following address:, to see if they are part of the lucky ones.

lotaria aade7

Alternatively, they can check if they came to see them the coveted message on their personal account at TAXISnetby entering their codes.

How is the money given?

L & # 39; money will be credited to the bank account declared by the interested party in TACHISnet.

If taxpayers do not have a bank account, will have a margin of 3 months after sending the corresponding message. If no account is declared within the aforementioned period, the secondary beneficiaries receive a series.

These are the dates of the draws until the end of the year!

The Ministry of Finance announced the program with monthly public lottery dates for the entire year.

The program is as follows:

  • For November transactions, Monday, December 24, 2018.

Questions and answers about the draws

Useful questions and answers to inform taxpayers Public printing system, edited by Independent authority for public revenue.

1. Which player is responsible for the draw?

The competent body to manage public lotteries is the Electronic Governance Department (DILED) of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE), in collaboration with an independent certified body.

2. Who participates in the draw?

Public lotteries are eligible for the participation of natural persons who have a VAT number and who are over 18 years old.

3. How can I participate in the public draw program?

In order to guarantee your participation in any public draw of the program, you must have completed (and authorized) a single transaction using a card or other electronic means during the previous month or another period during which the draw.

4. How can I disclose my online transactions to enter the draw?

You do not have to do anything. DILDG collects clear transaction data from the previous month, which is sent by the payment service providers before the end of the second quarter of the following month and converts it to cash.

5. What is the number of my coupons participating in the draw?

The number of vouchers is staggered on the sum of the sums corresponding to the total transactions of the month for which the drawing of lots is concerned, as follows:
– For a maximum total amount of one hundred (100) euros, one (1) ticket for each (1) euro.
– For the next four hundred (400) euros, a total of one hundred one (101) euros up to five hundred (500) euros, one (1) voucher for every two (2) euros.
– For the next five hundred (500) euros, a total amount of five hundred one (501) euros to one thousand (1,000) euros, one (1) ticket for three (3) euros.
– For the excess amount, ie a total amount greater than one thousand (1,001) euros, one (1) ticket for four (4) euros.
When a rounding is required, this is done to the nearest whole number.

6. How can I know which draws I have won in each draw?

Visit the appropriate application (PUBLIC CLIENTS PROGRAM) on the ADA website, using your personal TAXISnet access codes.

7. How many prints are drawn?

Each draw draws one thousand (1,000) random draws and one thousand (1,000) numbered substitutes from the 1st, 2nd to the 1000th.

8. How many bets can I win in each draw?

If more than one draw is included in your draw, you are entitled to the prize once for each draw. The remaining lucky tokens in this case are replaced by the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd replacements.

9. What is the draw?;

The winners of the public raffle program are rewarded with prizes in cash or in kind. In the case of cash prizes, each beneficiary earns one thousand euros.

10. How can I know the results of the draw?

Lucky raffle tickets are posted on a website of the AAD website ( If one of your chips is included in the lucky one, you will be notified by a personalized message in your TAXISnet account.

11. How can I specify my bank account?

If you win for the first time or if you have not already indicated a bank account in a previous draw, you have three months from the sending of the personalized message to your TAXISnet account to indicate the bank account on which you want to be credited. cash price. The account requires you to appear as the sole or first beneficiary.

The statement of account is established in the TAXISnet custom application.
In the event that no bank account is declared within the aforementioned period, the cash amount corresponding to the prize is paid to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd, 3rd and 2nd winners of the draw.

12. How can I receive the prize if I am included in the lucky?

The prize money is credited to the bank account that you declare for this purpose in the TAXISnet environment and on which you must appear as the first or first beneficiary.

In the case of a price in kind, it will be sent to your tax home or delivered manually, after consultation.

13. Do I have the right not to participate in the AAD public draw program?

You have the right, at any time, to ask to be excluded from the public draw. You can also forfeit the prize won in a specific draw within three months of completing it by sending a request to DILED. In the case of such a waiver, the prize will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd holder of the Cockpit, holder of the respective substitution lottery for this draw.

See HERE for luck money for cleared transactions in October 2018

See HERE for lucrative offers for cleared transactions in SEPTEMBER 2018

Search HERE for the lucky charms for transactions settled in August 2018

Click HERE for the draws of cleared transactions in July 2018

Click HERE for the draws of cleared transactions in JUNE 2018

Search HERE for the lucky chips for transactions settled in May 2018

Click HERE for the draws of cleared transactions in April 2018

Search HERE for the draws for transactions settled in March 2018

See HERE the lucky offers for cleared transactions in February 2018

Click HERE for the draws of cleared transactions in January 2018

See HERE for lucrative offers for cleared transactions in December 2017

Search HERE for lucky cards for transactions settled in November 2017

See HERE for lucrative offers for cleared transactions in SEPTEMBER 2017

Check HERE for good luck chips for transactions settled in August 2017

Click HERE for the draws of cleared transactions in July 2017

Check HERE for lucrative offers for cleared transactions in June 2017

Check HERE for lucky money for cleared transactions in May 2017

Discover the draws of transactions cleared in April 2017 HERE

Check HERE for good luck chips for transactions settled in March 2017

See HERE for Lucky Chips for Cleared Transactions in February 2017

See HERE for luck money for cleared transactions in January 2017

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