Deutsche Welle: "The Exquisite" Merkel – News – News


In early December, it is in Hamburg that will succeed Merkel to the presidency of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and, by extension, what direction the party will follow in the future. If that's what will remain in the center where the current president has been leading the party for 18 years or will he return to his traditional conservative roots.

The 1,001 delegates who support the centrist leadership will also speak at the conference in favor of prominent Angela Merkel, now UK Secretary-General Kramp-Karenbauer. Those who, on the contrary, want the CDU to have a more conservative profile, have so far chosen two candidates: the current Minister of Health, the former deputy finance minister of Schweiz, Ges Span or the former chairman of the KS, and considered an internal party of Merkel, Friedrich Merts.

Three weeks before the conference, however, the Center's candidate seems to have the best chance of being elected until now. In the ARD Deutschlandtrend poll published on Friday, 46% of CDU voters favor Kramp-Karenbauer, 31% in favor of Merck, while only 12% prefer Span.

The overwhelming majority of CDU supporters welcome the fact that a debate has been launched on the party's future political orientation. It is worth mentioning that while about half of the party's supporters, namely 48%, agree with the central orientation of the CDU, 31% are in favor of a more distinct conservative position .

An impressive greenish jump of the Greens

However, the question of Merkel's succession and the debate over the political leadership of the party do not seem to favor the Christian Democratic Party. According to Deutschlandtrend, the union of Christian CDU / CSU parties continues to receive – as in the last poll – only 26% of the voting intentions. The Greens make an impressive jump at the same time. The Greens earn six points and now reach 23% taking second place.

Analysts attribute the unprecedented rise of the Greens to German discontent with the current coexistence of the two main parties. Nearly three-quarters of citizens are dissatisfied or even very dissatisfied with the Social Democrats and Christian Democrats.

At the same time, the downward trend of the Social Democrats (SPD), which receives only 14% of the voting intention, continues. Two-thirds of citizens say they do not know exactly what the Social Democratic Party is currently advocating. Three quarters at the same time believe that the renewal of the party under the new president, the president, is not satisfactory.

Two units lose the AfD of ethnic origin, which drops to 14%, and the Liberals (FDP) see their power drop to 8%. One unit loses and the left (Die Linke) receives 9%.

Zambian Kinkars / Kostas Symeonidis

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