Dimitris Mitsotakis promised to reduce taxes and contributions to lawyers – News.gr


"I personally guarantee that with the next ND government, justice will regain its constitutionally guaranteed independence"

In the need to defend the independence of the judiciary, as well as the need to reduce taxes and social security contributions, the president of ND Kyriakos Mitsotakis said during his meeting with the Coordinating Committee of Bar Presidents

that Mr. Mitsotakis is committed to presenting the ND program for a different insurance company

In his statement, he blamed the government for his intervention and attempted to manipulate and instruct justice, and badured: "I personally guarantee that with the next ND government, justice will again acquire its constitutionally independent independence, which is also at the heart of the rule of law … "

It was implicitly but clearly stated in the appointment of Royal Thanos to the prime minister's legal department, saying that "in principle, having a period – as well as that guaranteed by the constitution – to which a supreme judge would not be allowed to take another position, is something that we find absolutely consistent. "

He then referred to the lawyers' finances:" All Greeks are affected by the government's tax and insurance policies. However, freelancers and lawyers, and I would say especially successful lawyers … Today, unfortunately, the mix of contributions and taxes is essentially a drag on the extra work … We are committed to reducing the tax by reducing the rate of the import tax to 9% for income up to 10 000 €. Obviously we will reduce the real estate tax which is something that concerns all Greeks. And we will see again the design of the tax scale by abolishing the tax when the fiscal conditions allow it. "

He also said that in terms of contributions, he will present in Thessaloniki in more detail" our thoughts on a different insurance system three pillars where we want the big teams of professional helpers . "He stressed that" we want the second pillar, the mandatory professional funds, to play a major complementary role in primary insurance. "

For VAT in the judicial services, he said:" We want two VAT rates of 11% and 22% .But we must always have an image of the financial footprint of any intervention. "

He advocated alternative methods of dispute resolution" not one unconstitutional way ". He also noted that "on the question of the Court of First Instance, we are opposed to piecemeal and rapid interventions that have been made without planning and without consultation with the competent authorities."

At the meeting, Judge Nikos Panagiotopoulos and Finance Christos Staikouras, the presidents of the Bars presented to Mr. Mitsotakis a series of questions and institutional issues concerning the independence of the judiciary and the problems met by the lawyer, (19659011) function loadFacebookAPIOnUndefined () {function} {functionFacebookAPIOnUndefined {) {
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