Dimoshokis: The Treaty of Lausanne is shameful and painful


SYRIZA calls Kyriakos Mitsotakis to answer if the statement of Anastasios Dimoschakis on the Lausanne Treaty expresses the New Democracy

The deputy of Evros in the south-west of the country qualified the Treaty of Lausanne "shameful and painful" in his statements. The event provoked the intense reaction of SYRIZA, who in his announcement declares Mr. Dimoschakis unacceptable and dangerous, while Koumoundourou comments that "nationalist paranoia in the southwest has" hit the red.


Nationalist paranoia in SW was "touched in red." Unacceptable statements made by MP Evros and ND Deputy Chief of Defense De Demoskakis on the "shameful" Treaty of Lausanne and painful "comes at a time when statements of senior officials are multiplying in the neighboring country, raising the issue of the revision of the Treaty of Lausanne.We urge Mr Mitsotakis to answer if he expresses the ND this statement dangerous, which is contrary to the constant position of the foreign policy of our country on the non-revision of international treaties

The declaration of Mr. Dimoschakis

  unprecedented Declaration of Demoskaki challenges the Treaty of Lausanne

Dimoshokis: The lessons of foreign policy of UNESCO

Responding to the announcement of SYRIZA, Mr. Dimoshokis speaks of "montage of Kumoundourou"

"He is at least funny and unrecognizable to make SYRIZA courses abroad having renounced the Macedonian identity and the Macedonian language in the Republic of Macedonia of the North with the Prespa Agreement, while abandoning the two Greek soldiers as that "blacksmiths" in high security prisons

More details:

"The construction of Koumoundouros and Avgi, with the transit agent of Mirko D. Rizzo, deputy of 39; Evritis, voluntary, obscene and silly, found a job, with co-ownership, and ostentatious distortion of the meaning of what I said, that I've repeated many times in the past, crystallized and authentic , without anyone trying to present my pretended … something else.

The Lausanne Treaty on how the state was forced to suffer the painful loss of land and the uprooting of Greeks from patriarchal lands have consolidated peace and established our borders.

Something that I have told many times to my interviews on television and radio in the past

It is at least funny and unpredictable for SYRIZA to do foreign policy lessons, having given up Macedonian. Macedonian identity and language in the "Republic of Northern Macedonia" with the Prespa Agreement, while at the same time abandoning the two Greek soldiers as "blacksmiths" in the highest prisons [19659002] ANEL: "From error to error, from Dora to Dimoshokis and from Kyriakos to nowhere!"

Finally, the history of ND de Kyriakos undermines, challenges and delivers everything that guarantees national security. "said the spokesman of the independent Greeks, Theodoros Tousounidis, in closing," Kyriakos, you understand what monster you're growing up, Mitsotakis and Dimoschakis, you give everything ".

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