Diplomatic relations between Greece and Russia are underway in the tense rope on the occasion of the decision of Athens to expel Russian diplomats and the case takes a new turning after the revelations of FT
Business … Alexandroupolis
The FT report gives a new twist to the case. British newspaper reporter "shows" Alexandroupolis as the center of intervention of Russian diplomats expelled from Greece. According to the report signed by the correspondent of the British newspaper in Athens, Kerin Hope, two sources with knowledge of the activities claim that the two diplomats were known in Alexandroupolis where resides a small community of Russians with Greek interconnections
The two diplomats recalled that FT has been accused of cooperating with contractors to bribe local government officials, Orthodox metropolitans, members of cultural badociations and far-right organizations in northern Greece for s & # 39; oppose the agreement of Prespa on Skopje.
"The Russians wanted to break the negotiations and thus improve their habitual participation in Macedonia and Thrace," said the Greek diplomat FT. According to the report, one of the attempts of corruption failed when a Greek officer reported the incident to his superiors
"For Greece, expel Russian officials is excessive, not only because that there are cultural and religious links between the two countries. Greece is ruled by a party that once enjoyed close ties to the Kremlin, "FT observes and adds a statement from the Greek leader" I think this is no precedent. Even at the height of the Cold War, when we were a front line state against the Warsaw Pact, Greece had avoided deporting diplomats from Eastern Europe.
Russian diplomats reportedly paid for organizations of the far right. "You can get big support with 20-30,000 euros in Alexandroupolis where unemployment is high and young people are outraged by the existing political parties," the source told FT. A diplomat from a Western country argued that it was "a work done in the perspective of the long-standing cultural ties between Greece and Russia and the common religious heritage." "
Athens expels Russian diplomats and accession negotiations NATO and Macedonia have led the United States and Russia to a mini-diplomatic crisis, a consequence? US support in Greece
According to the State Department official, the United States is concerned about Russia's possible efforts to undermine the agreement reached to resolve the issue. of the nomenclature with Macedonia
"The United States has taken similar measures in the past, as in other countries, to send a message on a destabilizing and unacceptable Russian behavior, and we note with particular concern the possible efforts of Russia to undermine the important agreement between Athens and Skopje on the question of nomenclature. "
Washington's support for Athens was also formally expressed by the spokesman of the State Department
The Russian Foreign Ministry in response to the placement of the State Department, attacked – through Athens – in Washington accusing it of "standing behind the Greek government's anti-Russian decision ". The expulsion of two Russian diplomats from Greece is unfounded and could seriously harm bilateral relations, stressed the Russian Foreign Ministry, pointing out that the Greek side did not give excuse to deportation , stressing that Moscow considered the incident as totally unfounded.
"We think this action is totally absurd, unconfirmed by facts on the Greek side that contradict the nature of our bilateral relations and is capable of causing serious damage," the statement said. Indeed, the Russian minister has called on Greek Ambbadador Andreas Frygana to protest against the expulsion of Russian diplomats and to inform him of the next steps taken in Moscow
A moment later, at the Occasion of the decision of the appeal court of Thessaloniki The Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a new announcement accusing the Greek authorities of "continuing to worsen the situation in bilateral relations under the pressure of the country". ;foreign". The Russian Foreign Ministry notes that priority should be given to the request made by the Russian Advocate General for the issue of "Mr.Bitcoin" in his country and adds that "the Russian side can not ignore such actions . "
"Allegations of alleged US pressure on Greece are totally unfounded," diplomatic sources said. And they added: "The Russians seem to have trouble realizing that a small state can and is able to defend its national interests.They have had a hard time understanding the special role that our commercial fleet plays in the world. international economy and the interests that the country has in defending this role They are struggling to seize the right of our country to defend its national interests in the region, and they all see third forces behind. to realize that we do not let the third forces intervene in our own interiors. "
O Mr. Bitcoin
At the expense of the 39-year-old man, the French authorities awarded him a police mandate. European judgment, accusing him of "looting" illegitimate gains of 130 million euros and more than 100 French among the victims of his alleged action. 19659004] Vinik, arrested last year with an international warrant in Halkidiki, stated that he did not want his extradition to France by denying the above acts. The French application was preceded by claims similar from the United States and Russia. Last December, Arios Pagos accepted its US $ 4 billion "money laundering" request via the BTC-e online platform. The Greek judicial authorities also gave a positive opinion on an extradition request by the Russians for a fraud case, while a second request from the Russians reached the Thessaloniki Appeals Office, in relationship with its alleged cyber-actions, and in particular attacks against Russian banks, be valued at 750 million rubles.
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