"Discover who are the leaders of the disaster, but especially to do the projects"


A few days after the report of the Inspector of Public Administration on Mandra's disasters, residents ask who is responsible, but mostly interested in flood defense projects.

As they attribute to the Athenian-Macedonian Agency a summer rain brought back memories of the disaster of last November and the fear of what it would bring to the 39; fall.

"With the November flood, my store was completely destroyed, while its recent blends were slightly. The fact is that in June, a rain for a few hours made fall a river that came on the sidelines and into our homes What will happen in autumn and winter, in October and in November? It will rain and we will not go out. I have three children, and sincerely I will not go to school or school or in the tutorial, "explains Cane Study.

He points out that "I am very interested in the perpetrators, who have suffered more than 100,000 euros in damages, I want to know who is responsible for the disaster that I have suffered." However, what interests me most, that is what will happen in the future.We can not live with insecurity what we will have after a rain that will fall.I am honestly waiting for something to happen. "

For its part, Angeliki Miliou points out to ANA-MPA that "with the first rain we are immediately frightened." With regard to flooding again of generalities reported. There is no written name to know Only generals Who will be punished? Of course, what interests us the most, it is to go from the front and to do the work because time pbades and returns in the fall, and we begin to fear the least. "

The same These thoughts concern Amalia Publica. "I have a shop with clothes destroyed for the first time and now again we have saved the goods." We were wary of the first rain, and we ran with my parents and picked up clothes for that the store is not filled with mud and destroyed. The fact is that we have a problem even in insuring our stores, we are afraid to throw a little bit We are afraid that the rain will be done in the street while we are with our children outside.It may take half an hour to see the water go down with the momentum.In the summer we again had rain and even in other places What is going to happen in October, November? The area has already been downgraded. It's important to blame, but what matters to us is to make plans. "

The result justifies the Region

The Anti-Fiscalist of West Attica, Yannis Vbadili or points out to the Athenian-Macedonian News Agency: "I fully agree and fully subscribe to the announcement of the Attica Region on the findings of the inspector of public administration on disasters in Mandra. Our anxiety is to be able to begin . In addition, the results are known. We work on the implementation of the projects.

For his part, Regional Policy Advisor on Civil Protection in the Attica Region, Ioanna Tsoupra states that "the conclusion appears to be justified by the Regional Governor of the Renaissance Dourou, who had spoken of the need to change the legal framework from the outset in terms of critical issues such as co-responsibility, overlap, bureaucracy, inefficiency and delays in critical issues such as floodplain projects, flood plains, etc. Because of the many pathogens that have developed in recent decades, a legislative framework is needed to make it easier and easier to develop . need to get rid of the heavy, dysfunctional and bureaucratic framework that works, anti-environmental and counterproductive in the public administration. [19659004] At the end of the inspector of public administration, the responsibilities are badigned to the services and institutions, but not to the region of Attica, proving once again how much l & rsquo; Attack was unfair and superficial . "Tsoura points out in the APE-MPA that" the region of Attica has included in the program executable projects about a third of the budget of the flood control projects, with a holistic approach for all municipalities of the Attica and not with small local projects in some municipalities it was happening

(Based on information from RES-MPE)

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