"Do you know which band you play?" – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



Commenting on the results of the World Cup, Twitter was made by Hillary Clinton, not neglecting to put a spike against US President Donald Trump, openly expressing his challenge of managing the meeting with the Vladimir Putin


16/07/2018 – 12:06


Twitter was hosted by Hillary Clinton on Twitter, not neglecting to spike the US President Donald Trump, openly questioning his handling of the meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Clinton states, in his publication: "Excellent World Cup Question to President Trab Before Meeting Putin: Do You Know Which Band You Play?"

It's worth mentioning how earlier, undermining his own position before meeting Putin, Trab made a Twitter post about the bad state of US-Russian relations in Washington's past "stupidity" and in the FBI's "witch hunt", investigating Russia's involvement in the US presidential election in 2016.

Great World Cup.

– Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 16, 2018

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