Document Foundation: The answer to the publication


In the morning we mentioned that The Document Foundation, which develops LibreOffice, has the following completely free on the Microsoft Store for 2.99 euros

We also mentioned that the name of the publisher does not include is not "The Document Foundation"  The Document Foundation

We found this case somewhat strange since morning, since there was no relevant announcement of the share of TDF. So we mentioned that you should avoid downloading this version from the store or if you do, at least not pay for it. LibreOffice is a completely free suite and you can still download it from its official website without spending a single euro.

But a little while ago we received an email from Italo Vignoli The Document Foundation. The email clarifies:

The Document Foundation has been updated to an unofficial version of LibreOffice in the Microsoft Store. We study the issue in more detail, but I want to be clear: the version is not an official version developed by The Document Foundation, so the application page is misleading. The only source of the software (which can be downloaded for free, at no cost to the end user) is the LibreOffice website:
Also, the money from The Microsoft Store version does not go to The Document Foundation

You can also see the email in English:

 Document Foundation

So beware of crooks who are trying to win with the effort of others. The application of the shop has nothing to do with the free application of the document Foundation.

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Document Foundation: was last modified on: July 24 2018, 00:00 by Giorgos

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