Donald Trumb calls on CNN reporter |


A day after his party lost control of the House of Representatives by the Democrats, US President Donald Trump entered the White House press room, misrepresenting, including Republicans accused of Have lost their seat and attacked. once again to journalists who have questioned his allegations.

During a 90-minute press conference given by Trab, he said the results of the mid-term elections were "very close to a total victory" for Republicans and he pointed out that He could negotiate more easily on problems with Democrats.

Some journalists asked whether his rhetoric about Central American immigrants during the election campaign was divisive, as did Murray's research developments on Russia's alleged involvement in the 2016 US elections.

Trab pushed him away aggressively.

"CNN should be ashamed of having a worker," said US President Jim Amocas, correspondent for the US television network. "You are a rude and ugly man," he told him, while a White House employee grabbed the microphone from Ackosta's hands.

Jamie Alginor, a reporter for PBS NewsHour, who asked him questions about white nationalists encouraged by Trab, who described himself as a "nationalist," said the Republican president offended him.

"It's a racist question," she said.

At the same time, he was kidnapping Republican candidates who had prevented him during the election campaign, fearing that the splitting of Trump's messages on immigration would kill the voters.

He did not fail to rent himself again. "I believe that I am a high moral leader and I love my country"

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