Doros Panagidis: "I want to say something that I owe to Athena …" (video)


  Doros Panagidis:

Doros Panagidis is a member of the summer television show Epsilon "Splash" and in his second show his companion, they met in the reality of the SKI Power of Love relationship, he was with him on the platform.

He wanted to say something about Athena, who felt that she owed him. "I want to say something now that we are alive, that I owe to Athena, is only 20 years old and I admire her because she can handle things surprisingly for her age. All of it! It was also a "war" of the game. Me, if I had her age, and her position would be furious I think, I owe it to her. That I admire her, "says Doros Panagidis

Athena, for one, replied: "Of course I was in the game if I did not have the Don.I did not have any support like this for I do not think I could have done it. "

At the same time, Athena Chrysantydou revealed her most difficult moment in the game:" It was a Gala, which was two votes and a positive and a negative, and I came out first in both, I felt embarrbaded, it did not bother me, I do not mind any thing in life, I want to be good and be good and the people I love. "[19659003] See linked video:

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