Dragasagis for SW: They failed in what they tried, they were scorned in what they said


"They failed in what they tried, they were deprived of what they said," said Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasagis, referring to the attitude from ND towards the end of the program and the debt settlement agreement. during his speech in the House, said that the release of the memoranda is an opportunity for the country "an opportunity that does not concern the SYRIZA party or the government, but an opportunity that concerns society and the Greek people as a whole" . politicians should discuss today forces. "We are creating the conditions for a better future for everyone.And it is the value of this government, that it creates a common good.Unfortunately, Mr. Mitsotakis has focused on what some call it mizrambism … "

" Let's finally make a decision, "said Giannis Dragasagis, referring to Kyriakos Mitsotakis. SYRIZA is the new who has emerged from the crisis. This is a new leftist political force that has emerged and despite the problems, despite the unprecedented difficulties, SYRIZA and the government have the initiative of the movements. We have a plan, we have a strategy, we have proposals, we have history on our side. That is why we are going to win, "said Yannis Dragasakis

Bankruptcy, extortion

Commenting on the ND president's stating that in 2015 we had a" useless memorandum ", the vice-president Prime Minister denounced that there was planning by the government of Samaras-Venizelos for bankruptcy as part of the "slice of left."

"The leader of the main opposition spoke of a useless memorandum, why was it useless, was the previous memorandum completed, and was the second memorandum completed? Was the evaluation completed, did we receive a dose, was it unloaded from the European elections afterwards, and that tells us the incredible fact that if they stayed, the protocol would end. tell us what you did as a government, and do not tell us what you would do, if you were there, we could have had five more memoranda, "said the Minister of Finance, and the citizens remember that the SYRIZA government has made a stalemate, a collapsed society, a dumb state, the second memorandum was incomplete, the state had to 2015 to 2019 were paid up to 80 billion euros and it n & # 39; There was no funding agreement, the program had expired and had been ficially extended until February 27, 2015.

"Forgot it? Have you forgotten the trap you set up in SYRIZA, but it was a trap for the country? You forgot that you had planned something that stipulated that on May 1, 2015, we had to go bankrupt, because the case was over, there was no funding and the obligations were exhausted? So there was no comprehensive memorandum, there were huge obligations without a loan agreement to be able to cover them and there were obligations, costs that had to be done, but there was not any. money available. On February 20, the State Fund was reduced by 425 million euros. Less! We could not pay wages and pensions if we did not sign the agreement. It was the legacy. You gave it to us and you have the audacity to talk about the cost of 2015. You put an extortion to prevent the rise of SYRIZA and then lead to an early fall of the government and the destruction of the country ", he said of the dramatic scene of 2015 State Treasury Accounts for the period before the 2015 elections and publications for a secret meeting at the Treasury for money.

"We have signed a memorandum under these circumstances and we have completed this memorandum. You have signed two memoranda and you have not terminated any memoranda and there is no guarantee that if you remain in the government that would have ended this country, "said the vice-president of the Government, adding: "We are living the end of this nightmarish period. 19659003] Mr. Drabadagis also referred to the exit of the program and stated that an operational solution for the debt and secured exit has been achieved, since the country is protected against extraordinary circumstances and external risks, created conditions for the permanent, financial relief measures and there are opportunities for policy change both in terms of taxation and social spending. "The economy is engaged on a steady and sustainable recovery path, instead of rising unemployment, we have a decline in the welfare state rather than spending cuts started from small increases, "he added. relations with Albania. "We will do our best to resolve all outstanding issues in terms of national interest in order to create greater stability in the region and broader cooperation and development," said the Deputy Prime Minister. Strange party of the left to become a key pole, a guarantor of democracy, a struggle for progressive change, and an example of a left-wing party that wants to reign without being integrated into the system. "[19659003] Source: RES BEG

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