DTP Facebook Google Microsoft c Twitter: data portability project


Data Transfer Project, or DTP, something very different: Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter have teamed up for a new open source project that would facilitate the transfer of your data between online services

Data Transfer (DTP Data Transfer Project) was officially launched in 2017 but was officially presented today with its first four members. Data Transfer Project  DTP

The ultimate goal of the data transfer program is to improve the portability of data. In short, this project will help users to not download their data but to transfer them directly to any other service.

Facebook, for example, announced a new data export tool earlier this year, which allows its users to download a copy of all data on Facebook. The updated tool was introduced after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. With DTP, Facebook and the other three companies are trying to create channels that facilitate the transfer of data from platform to platform.

The publication of such a service (DTP) coincides with the disclosure of scandals of large amounts of data. The United States is expanding its control and trying to reduce all data exchange. The UK has fined Facebook for the Cambridge Analytica scandal as Australia prepares lawsuits. Facebook has been repeatedly accused of "privatizing" data and confusing users apparently to share more data than they would like. Google is also at the forefront of testing because it was revealed that third-party developers could read Gmail messages without being disturbed

Therefore, start a project including an API facilitating data transfer n & # 39 is probably not accidental. above. However, this move is probably also related to the implementation of GDPR which states that users should be able to easily transfer data between services. The DTP does not directly refer to the GDPR, but the EU decision was probably the main driver of the project's launch

See the new service

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DTP Facebook Google Microsoft c Twitter: Data Mobility Project was last modified: 20 July 2018, 21:26 [19659013] [ad_2]
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