E. Tsakalotos was the centipede and the ND


The finance minister hired British humor. He admitted for the first time that the outperformance of the objectives resulting from compensated taxation was not positive.

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos spoke of the state budget that supports overcrowding in order to generate high surpluses that will serve the government's electoral objectives. Finance Ministers Sakis Moustakides and John Stockton,.

"We did not aim for excellence"The Minister of Finance repeated at another time:"SYRIZA never said that it was a good thing to overcome"Trying to justify the clutter of taxes and taxes of the middle clbad"our goal was to be in the goals".

Addressing Parliament's Economic Affairs Committee, Mr. Tsakalotos tried to defend his political government by attacking New Democracy. He accused the main opposition of having lowered the bar and even surmounted a testicular centipede.

And he, answering questions asked by Christos Staikouras (ND), said he got the best help. He even brought together the main opposition reporter of former NBA player, John Stockton, who had secured a record of attendance and reminded critics that he had sent to a opposition MP as veteran volleyball player Saki Moustakidis.

The Minister of Finance argued that the government was not triumphing, but treated reality as a "quiet power".

Euclid Tsakalotos read in the newspapers an article criticizing cuts in pensions: "Why triumph? You have created the frame to keep us calm. People read newspapers and what channels say and can compare to what's happening in practice".

In response to Mr. Staikouras's 10 questions, Mr. Talakalos he said:

"1. Mr. Staikouras asked if the country had left the memorandum and if the third program was useless.

My answer is that we have the first expansionary budget. "He admitted strengthening surveillance by saying," Have we got a debt representing 180% of GDP? This is why we have strengthened supervision. I do not think creditors and citizens believe we are responsible for the debt. Neither Cyprus nor Portugal nor ND and PASOK. "

"2. Did the program succeed or fail?

I answer that we went out 2,5 times in the markets. You did not have the conditions to go out on the markets. You talked about a line of credit. Interest rates are high for a variety of reasons. If you go back to the markets, do you promise to admit that we have succeeded? You have not left pensions. If we go to the markets, will you admit that we left the program? He continued with the second question.

"3. Is the configuration of the cash register problematic? Did he make an internal payment and an oversupply? I tell you that ND said not to draw up an inventory, but a line of credit. The stock was built from the payment of summer and other hemispheres. You are right to pay attention to manage it "

"4. Is there a positive or negative financial expenditure in the form of a reduction of the PRS and an increase in taxes? SYRIZA never said that it was a good thing to overcome. We said that the reason there is a return is the reduction of unemployment, better results in non-parametric measures. Reliability creation is a surplus, but we never had a goal. Our goal was to be in the goals.

The difference is that, contrary to what Mitsotakis and Gennimata have said we are just giving benefits … we can design permanent measures starting in 2019 instead of planning extraordinary measures. We were constantly with the IMF forecasts. The RIP for 2019 corresponds to 2018. You compare it in the medium term. The amount of 6.7 billion euros is greater than that of 2011-12-13-14-15-16 and the 2017 horizon. So do not invest much in this argument. Now that we are spending 900 million euros by anticipation and not at the end of the year, will you vote for that? ", Said Mr. Tsakalotos.

Then the Minister of Finance added: "I am deeply troubled by the fact that the European Union accepts the policy of a sovereign government and that your media speak of European foxes. What do you want the EU to strike at the Greek government? You want the elections do not make sense, not a social state but a policy of austerity".

Tsakalotos said that growth was returning to the country, citing "good news for the banks".

In response to the KKE and regional budget critics, the finance minister said: "The results and projections of uncut pensions and the envelope of 910 million euros – not counting the impact of growth that will improve the numbers – indicate that the income of the poorest 10% will increase by 7.6%.

For the next 10% will increase by 3.3% for the next 10% will increase by 2.2%. It can not be clbadic. We have clbad goals for workers and the middle clbad. With the world that wants to have public schools, hospitals and the empowerment of labor rights".

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