Eleni Foureira: "When I spoke about my origin, I felt really good"


But above all, she is a fantastic and contemporary woman with wonderful opinions, who shared them in the Instyle magazine.

Read the most important pieces of the interview

To compare it with the Beyoncé

"At Eurovision they called me" Mediterranean Beyoncé "I did not feel strange at all.Also, I found it very honorable.Whether Beyoncé is the biggest pop star of the world.It's a queen for me.This comparison makes me think that I'm fine. "

For years he has not talked about the origin of the public

" These years have been from 2011 to 2014. I have forgot some and honestly, because it's been a long time.I felt great when I said it.It's like going out of a gay kid who is scared, for social reasons, to tell the truth, it was very important to give a message to all who are oppressed, I am happy that my own personal story was an example for many children who have lived These stories are similar and have succeeded in identifying themselves. You can not imagine how many messages I have received from gay children who, having listened to my story, have found the strength and courage to talk to their parents about baduality. This is the most important for me. "

For how the appearance of a woman is a manifestation of her feminist principles

I believe that being bady and loving your body is a means of Resist patriarchy It's wonderful to be a bady woman.If that's your mood, it's your right to be able to express it.I feel like a bady woman is often treated racially and with prejudices of society.Many women do not dress as they want because they are afraid of comments, which is unacceptable.You can not judge anyone for his dress.This applies to all body types.It is important for me that everyone loves and cares for his body, that he has more weight or cellulite or scars. If you feel good with your body, then it's perfect.The only advice I give to those who ask me is to make sure that they are in good health, and it is not a question of kilos

The Importance of Feminism Today

"One Can not Talk For Equality Between In some countries of the world, women and men have the right to drive their cars. In Greece, we can enjoy the same rights as men, but it is important to see beyond our own domain. Many women are deprived of their basic personal rights. Their struggle for conquest is our own struggle. In Barcelona, ​​in Pride, where I sang, there were women's rights in the world, a serious issue that concerns me a lot.

For the gay fans

of Europe. I said I would go to everything and did it. I left Cyprus, then I went to Barcelona and Madrid, where I made sold-out appearances, and in a few days I will sing in Ibiza, Amsterdam and Stockholm. Being a gay icon is something that accompanies me from my first steps and a title that I wear with honor. I think this has to do with the fact that a lot of gays have been identified with my personal story. I am an artist that honesty on stage is a very important part of my identity. That's my truth. I'm not scared and I'm not pretending and that's what I like – my beloved gay public.

For Romantic Dating Today

"It bothers me when I hear about boys making ghosts (someone who suddenly disappears from the house). a relationship) I believe that nowadays most people do not believe in monogamy and that society is no longer so conservative, so men and women must be open to what they want and without saying a word that they do not fit in. I think the ghost is related to insecurity, and it's so simple to be honest and to say to someone what you really feel. "

For what really bores me

" I fold makeup and hair when it takes a lot of time.I want the result, but I do not Fortunately, my colleagues (hairdresser Christos Bairambas and makeup artist Pantelis Tuountzis) are very fast. "

For criticism that she accepted and her role as judge

"I was judged very, very strictly, several times unnecessarily. It does not bother me, because all that I have lived has brought me to this point of my career. Because I have experienced all this, I do not want to judge others like that. I could never offend or embarrbad a child. Even if someone was not good, he can work and do a lot. My mantra is that I do not want to embarrbad anyone. There is a sweet way of telling truths. My criticism is that of my own people and my collaborators who care about me and not some journalists who simply have the role of "bad" in a panel and have to say something negative. "

his admirers who shocked him

" A cheerful child wrote me a letter telling me the story of his life. He had a lot of difficulties and moved me. He asked me for advice because he thought he was leaving his home. I urged him to talk to his mother and to get help from specialists (the "11528 – DOUBLE YOU" psychological support line helps LGBTQIA + community members who have problems). The reason he sent me a letter was because he was excited and he was identified with my own story of my origin. It was a great pleasure when, after a while, he sent me back to tell me that everything was fine in his life. Another story relates to little Michael, who had a problem with his heart but did not know him and suffered a heart attack on the bus coming to my concert. He was one of my first fans and he supported me. I felt crushed when I was informed of his death. I have not overcome it yet. I did not know what to say to her parents to help them in their grief. I loved him and I love him and I think of him. "

For his future in music

" Everything goes down and changes. We all receive a pension at some point. But there is always a way to express oneself artistically. We must accept that nothing is worth forever. It's simple and it's not really stressful for me. We must make room for young children and the important thing is to have the dignity to accept it when the time comes. It is important to try to accomplish things that fill us and make us proud while we work. "

Source: tlife.gr

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