Em. Long's energy strategy


Em. Long's energy strategy

French President Emmanuel Makron presented Tuesday his plans for the country's energy transition and the transition to renewable energies.

He had long anticipated today 's presentation of the decennial energy program. However, the demonstrations of the yellow vests forced Emmanuel Makron to address the demonstrators, recognizing their position in local meetings that will be organized immediately and for three months to find realistic solutions adapted to the problems of each region,.

For the new course on energy in France, the president has listed all known sources of renewable energy: geothermal, anaerobic digestion, photovoltaic, wind turbines, hydroelectric power for development, which the government already provides for 5 billion euros. Euros per year.

The development of these new sources will in the future allow the abolition of nuclear energy, which currently supplies low-cost electricity to the French.

Extension for shutting down reactors

Thus, even if the law on energy transition predicts a 50% reduction in nuclear energy by 2025, with the closure of 14 reactors, Emmanuel Makron gave a new margin to the horizon 2035, considering that the country is not ready yet. The demand for yellow vests to meet the president remains unanswered.

Two reactors will close in the summer of 2020, 12 between 2025 and 2035. The pace of reactor shutdown will depend on the growth rates of renewable energy sources and European cooperation in the development of storage methods. d & # 39; energy. The demand for yellow vests to meet the president has remained unanswered, so the mobilizations continue.

Source: DW

Last updated: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 17:57

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