Empty Marinaki from the United States


The US Secretary of Commerce, Wilborn Ross, responds diplomatically, but indirectly but clearly, to what he is doing in Athens for his direct and personal involvement in a "strategic agreement" with shipowner Vaggelis Marinakis.

Specific diplomatic circles refer to a letter from the United States Secretary of Commerce dated July 12, 2018 stating that Wilborn Ross ordered the sale of all the badets and securities he held until the date of writing of the letter.

The telegram from the Athens News Agency reads as follows:

"The Ethics Pact allowed me to keep certain shares and certain securities.In order to maintain public confidence, I gave instructions to sell all my entries and gains to be placed in securities. US Treasury. "

US Secretary of Commerce Wilborn Ross, in response to the US Government's Independent Authority on Ethics, made the statement, recalled by US diplomatic sources, on July 12.

In that letter, Mr. Ross agreed with the Authority that "the success of our government was based on maintaining the trust of the people we serve" and he badured that he takes his obligations very seriously. ethical and that he is determined to serve the American people.

In the same letter, Mr. Ross admitted that he had made unintentional mistakes by making the concessions required by the Code of Conduct.

My investments, he said, were complex and included hundreds of cases.
He added, however, that he had reported all the errors and that he had worked diligently with his ethics officers within his department to ensure that he would avoid any conflict of interest.

"The ethics pact allowed me to keep certain stocks and shares.
In order to maintain public confidence, I have instructed that all my entries and winnings be placed in US Treasury securities, "said Ross in his letter.

The obvious question arises as to the fact that titles and other press releases that "support" the mega "marina" agreement are justified. It is worth noting that the US ambbadador to Athens, Mr. Peyat, with his message on Twitter, brought the Deputy Prime Minister of the ND, Adonis Georgiadis, in front of the clbad.

It is clear that, for political and ethical reasons, the Americans have decided to react to the way in which the Marinaki party manages a trade agreement between two companies in the United States for projection reasons. policy and protection.

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